Chapter 10

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As it's said, all things work together for good. Thanks to the person that ditched Twinkle, it has brought us closer. Added to the shopping mall outing, it bonded us together all the more.
But Bella: I had to choose Twinkle over her. I know she was hurt by my decision, but I had no choice. So am preparing a meal for her. I invited her over, in order to make up for last time.

It's been a week since Ben bailed out on me. He called sha. He said he's sorry that he forgot and there I was making up excuses for him. I haven't seen Stacy since last time. From attending a ceremony with her mom, they traveled. I don't really like talking about Ben over the phone. So she's still unaware of everything that happened.

I head down the stairs, towards the front door.
"I'm going out, I'll be back" I scream to Dora's hearing.
Ben and I planned to meet up at a cafe close by. I initiated the meeting, and I hope he doesn't forget this time.

"Hy baby" he tries to kiss me but I stop him.
"What's wrong?"

"Let's end this relationship." I reply, not wanting to have any eye contact with him"

"What do you mean?"

"Stop acting as though you don't know what am driving at."

"Is it because of our dinner date I missed? I said am sorry."

"Till when are you gonna continue saying sorry without backing it up with actions. What's the need of deceiving ourselves, we are just not working out."

"Baby it hasn't come to this" he continues"

"You know, I deserve more than pointless forced conversation, no replies and cancelled plans. I deserve more than only when it's convenient for you."

"Let's not do this now." he tries to take my hand but I refuse.

"Maybe, just maybe. We'll meet again, when we're slightly older and our minds less hectic. I'll be right for you and you'll be right for me. But right now, I am chaos to your thoughts and you're poison to my heart."

I walk out immediately, giving him no chance to say anything. I fear if he says another word, am gonna fall for it immediately. I've tried breaking up with him in the past, but when I saw him, the words I planned to say just disappeared. I didn't come out with my driver, so I stop a taxi. I can see Ben from the rear mirror. He doesn't look sad, he looks normal. Though I didn't give him a chance to say anything, but I expected him to chase after me, not sit there as though nothing happened.

I can hear roars of laughter as I step into the house. I feel irritated by it. I trace the sound to the kitchen only to find Dora laughing and having fun with another girl, Same age group as me.

"Twinkle, your back so soon.
Meet Bella my... "

"Get out of my house" Twinkle cuts me off

'Twinkle, what's wrong with you? You don't even know her. Is this the way to treat people?"

"You are in no position to teach me how to treat people. I don't know her, and am not interested in knowing her."
She turns to Bella
"Just get out"

"Twinkle" I scream to get her attention.

"Don't raise your voice at me. This is my father's house. I choose who stays or leaves. I don't like her and I don't wanna see you with her"

I watch as the child I call my daughter walk to her room. I should be the one telling her who to mingle with and who not to. But now our roles have been switched. I've become the daughter, and she, the mother.

I turn towards Bella. "Do you know her?"

"No, am seeing her for the first time. Am as shocked as you are."

"Am really sorry for her behavior, she's not always like this."
("what am I saying, Twinkle is always like this." I say to myself)

"I'll get going, i don't want to aggravate her the more."

"Okay dear, I'll call you. Bye."
As I shut the door, I head straight to Twinkle's room like a bull that's about to charge. But unfortunately she locked the door, so am cut short.

I don't know what came over me. Am I jealous because Dora was laughing and talking with someone my age. Or, am I transferring my hurt from Ben to them?

I promised myself I wouldn't cry, but I can't hold it anymore. Am not crying because of Ben, he's not worth it. Am crying because my delusion of who he was, has been shattered by the truth of who he is. Why did I realise this now, when my heart has already been damaged.
The day is still young, but I just wanna sleep in. I have no strength for anything else apart from tears.

"Twinkle, Twinkle, open up. It's me, Stacy"

Am I beginning to hear voices or did Stacy just come at the right time. I stand from my bed, run to the bathroom, wash and clean my face. I head to open the door.

"Stacy" I hug her.
"Where have you been?"

"Am really sorry, something came up, so we had to extend our stay. But why did you wash your face?"

"Oh it's nothing, Just felt like." I reply

She drags me over to the bed
"You know your not a good liar, oya spill."

"Well Ben and I broke up"

"What! Don't joke with me oh. Are you for real? How, When, Where? Who dumped who?"

"Chill. Your asking too many questions at a time. Where should I start from?"

"Start from anywhere" she replies

I tell her everything that happened from the dinner date night. I can see the happiness in her. Should she really be happy when am not?

"Wow Bae, am so proud of you, and happy. But why are you so gloomy? You should be happy that your finally free from a toxic relationship."

"It doesn't work that way. You wouldn't know because you've never been in love."

"Ummm.....Who cares. Anyways this calls for a celebration. I can't have you sit here, and wallow in misery. Wherever Ben is, am sure he isn't acting this way.  So dress up, let's go out. We're not up to 18 so we can't take alcohol. Let's go take some drinks and act drunk. Bills on me."

I burst out in laughter. Sometimes, I don't understand Stacy's family. I can't really say they're rich or poor. I've never seen her Dad, but she says she has one. She tells me everything but not much about this area sha. So I consider it personal and try not to ask.

"And, you need to dress fine oh. You know your now single. Who knows who we might meet." she says.

"This girl is crazy" I say to myself.

We head downstairs. We're at the front door now. As I pull open the door, I see shoes. Not a lady's shoe but a man's own. From the style and size, it must be someone young. I go from shoe to head. And to my utmost surprise, it's Daniel.

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