Chapter 12

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I should get going now. My class is over. I wouldn't want to get in trouble with my dad's supposed wife. It took me a lot before she let me attend this class.  Am about to leave when someone grabs me by my hands.

"Excuse me, am new here. I noticed your Charisma and Carriage. I like you, let's be close".

Who is this new trouble.
"I admire your boldness, but I've learnt not to fall in love because someone pays a little attention to me. So till when are you gonna to like me"

"I can't promise to like for too long, because I'll soon start loving you"

I burst into laughter.
"Your too much of a sweet talker, I need to protect myself".

"Well it's a natural attribute of mine". He gives a little laugh.

"I have school to focus on. I have no time for this now".

"When will you have time. You know, Medicine, law, Engineering, Business etc are all noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for".

How can one person have an answer to everything.

"I'm Daniel" he stretches his hand towards me.

"Bella" I shake hands with him
He writes something on a piece of paper and hands it over to me.

"I know you are not gonna give me your phone number. So I'm giving you mine."

"Okay. I've got to go now". I turn to leave

"Don't friend zone me, I'll wait for your call" he screams.

I laugh within me. Friend zone is really scary. Your just like saying this person is never going more than a friend. No romantic relationship, just friends.
Anyways, I don't wanna build hope or expectations on him. I've learnt that change doesn't leave any Stone unturned. Everyone that has ever loved me, eventually changed. You might think I've given up on love. But yes, am not ready to nurse another injury.

Mr Smith will be coming over soon enough. I need to call to inform Twinkle, so she'll make the necessary arrangements.

"Good Evening Dad"

"Twinkle dear, how are you"

"Am not fine" she replies

"Why, what happened"

"You've been gone for over a month now. Aren't you planning on coming back, or don't you wanna see me"

"Why will you say that. Of course I want to see you. I'll be back very soon"

"This was the same thing you said last week. When is your very soon"

"Don't worry. I'll be having an important business client over for dinner by next week. So I'll be back by then"

"So your coming back because of your client and not me abi"

Oh kids of nowadays. They can twist your words to mean what you never thought of.
"It's also because of you. Tell the maid to make the necessary preparations for the dinner"

"I think Dora will do a better job there. Why don't you tell her? "

Am actually avoiding anything that will make me speak to Dora. I don't want her bringing up Twinkle's issues.
"Why don't you help me pass the message to her".

"Alright. So I'll see you by next week"

"Yes I promise. Good night dear"
Thanks to this girl, I have a company of my own. She's the reason I have all these wealth and riches. Who knew a child could bring more than joy at such tender age.

I'm five minutes late. It's a because of that sweet talker.
I can hear my step mom screaming my name from the sitting room. I guess she's on her way here now.

"Bella, I heard my husband gave you a huge sum of money"

See the way she's saying huge as though he gave me a million naira.
"Yes. 10,000 only for my lesson fee"

"See your mouth like only 10,000. Can you work out half of that money? By the way, did we send you for computer lesson? Aren't you the one that signed up for it? You should take responsibility for your actions."

"I'm only 17, am still in the dependent ratio. I'm not up to the age of working or being responsible for my fees" I reply

"Oya speak English. Dependant ratio. Is it not your mates that are hawking and selling stuffs on the road?"

"But I'm dad's responsibility"

"Who is your dad? My husband is not your father. He has only one child." She points to the 3month old baby in her arms.
"So you want to finish all the money that my husband will use to train our Child abi"

Now I know her problem. Should I call it insecurity, fear or jealousy. She feels am gonna take away the love, joy, riches etc that her child should enjoy. She don't want what belongs to her child to be shared. This is the height of selfishness.
Some people complain of getting fat due to child birth. But there are some people who turns heartless and irrational in thinking due to child birth.

I knock at Dora's room door. This is the second time i'm coming in here. But this time, i am coming in properly.

"Yes, come in" she reply
"Oh Twinkle, is there a problem"

Yes I can understand, she's shocked to see me here.
"No, Dad said he's having an important client over by next week for dinner. He would love if you will help make arrangements for that".

"OK no problem"

"I wanted to ask...ummm" I sit on the bed, a little bit far away from her.

"Sure, go ahead". She drops the clothes she is folding and turns towards me.

"You look quite young for someone that has given birth to a grown girl. At what age did you give birth?"

"I just entered my independent age, 18. That's when I met your dad, pregnant and gave birth to you".

"Wow that's really young."

"Yes it is. But I don't want you to go through this part. You know, women go through a lot. We get to suffer menstrual pain, and lose blood every month. We go through the 9months stress of carrying a child and losing our comfort. To crown it all, the pains of labor and child birth. So every woman like you, deserve a man that'll respect, value and treat her right. Not a boyfriend that will get her pregnant and ruin her life. So never give yourself to just anyone because they say they love you. If they really love you, then they'll wait till you guys are married.
But you're the best mistake I ever made. I love you".
She wraps her arms around me.

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