Chapter 6

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I’m sitting by the park with Bella by my side. Twinkle's classmates came over; she said she didn't want to explain anything to them so I should stay out for a while. I called Bella and she was quite excited to meet up. She's a sweet girl and I feel so close to her though we haven't known each other for long.

“What will you do if your mom comes back for you, how will you react?”
I don't know why but the question came through. I don't want to make her feel bad. Since she's Twinkle's age mate, I want to know if her reaction will be same"

“Well I'll be happy, so happy. I'll give her a hug and tell her how much I've missed her”.

“Won't you be angry for the fact that she left you for this long”

"If she didn't want me, she wouldn't have carried me for nine months, having morning sickness, being nauseous and all. She would have aborted me or done harmful things so she could get a miscarriage. But she didn't so for this reason, I won't hate her. I’m sure she didn't leave me intentionally. She loves me that's why she pushed so hard in the labor room so I can see this world. So whatever her reasons are, I'll understand”.

Wow I’m marveled by her words, I wish Twinkle could see it this way. I didn't just leave her because I wanted to; I did it because I wanted her to have a better life and a mom that isn't dead. But she doesn't want to know my reasons; she just believes I abandoned her. I wonder what lies Festus has fed her with.

“You have an understanding heart child” I say.
"No mother would abandon such wonderful child. Am sure she's on her way to you, soon enough you'll see her".

"Thank you and I’m also sure your daughter loves you a lot. She's only pretending, with time she'll open up”.

Yes, I told her about my situation with Twinkle but not much detail. I wouldn't want to tell her I left my daughter for years. I feel she'll loose trust and comfort in me and I don't want that to happen. I've grown attached to her which is unusual.

It's been awhile Twinkle and I last went out. After her classmates left, we decided to go watch a movie at the cinema.

"Let's watch New money, it's a Nigeria movie and the price isn't much” this was what I suggested.
But No, Twinkle hardly heeds my opinion. She picks out a blockbuster movie that costs times two of what I picked. At that moment I felt like we should go to a cassette shop, buy a cool movie, buy popcorn and have our home cinema. Don't get me wrong it's not as though I’m stingy with money, I just don't want her to spend a lot. She still wants to buy pizza and a shoe she saw on her way here.

We almost make the attendant run mad.
“Give us the small size of popcorn” I say

“No, give us the big size” Twinkle says after getting the movie tickets.

"But the big size is too much”.

"No it isn't, I can finish it within seconds. I don't want to eat it all, leaving nothing for you”.

"No problem, I’m not bothered we'll take the small size”

“No, give us the big size”

"Who should I listen to” the attendant ask

"I am the one ordering so listen to me” I reply

"But I am the one paying so listen to me” she counters me

And money ruled. Twinkle wins; we end up watching the blockbuster movie with the big sized popcorn. Sometimes I wonder why she doesn't want to pursue Law as her career, she's too good at arguing. After the movie, we bought matching shoes and pizza. To complete the day, I decided to stay over at her place. We ran round the room because she didn't want me to read her chat with Ben.

"Thanks bestie, I really had fun today” she hugs me.

I’m happy she's happy. We may not have the same nature, but we have the best understanding of our differences.

I head down the stairs to get a glass of water for Stacy. She said her legs hurt so she can't come down. I notice Dora throwing some drugs into her mouth. Well, I guess they're pain killers or multivitamins. So I pay no attention to it.

"Thanks for the Shawarma you bought for me, I really enjoyed it” Dora says

“Me, Shawarma” I question myself in a tune less than a whisper Oh, Stacy! She really won't give up in her attempt to bring us closer.
“You’re welcome" I reply in an audible tune as I head back to my room”

“Did I forget to tell you that I met a sweet girl, she's so cute and her voice is nice?" Stacy speaks as she takes the water from my hands

"If not for the fact that am so close to you, I would have taken you for a lesbian. How will you be admiring a girl this much? You know, I've never really heard you talk about a boy or even seen you with a boy. It's always girls, girls, and girls”.

“Ah ah, so you’re now saying am lesbian abi” she tries adopting a cat's eye and baby's voice.

"This one no go work on me oh"
I say amidst laughter.
"That's not what I’m saying oh. I just want you to loosen up a bit, mingle with the opposite sex. You must not have a boyfriend but at least have a boyfriend".

My dad told me the meaning of boyfriend, and the world gave me another. My dad said a boyfriend means a boy as a friend. The world said a boyfriend is someone whom you have a romantic relationship with. If she can't have the world's type, then she should at least have my dad's type.

“All this is because I said I met a sweet girl. It's my fault, I blame myself”.
She looks away from me.

“Don't worry; I'll work it out for you. Trust me”
I draw her attention towards mine

“Don't do anything stupid oh, I've told you am not interested. Now I think of it, what about Ben?”

"Well we're kind of cool. We just don't talk as often as before but I guess he's busy; well that's what he always says. So am thinking of giving him a surprise. I'll arrange some meals and we'll go for a picnic”.

“That's a good idea. But what if he has classes or something doing?. What if your surprise flops?”

“I've taken care of that. I inquired from his friend and he has a morning class. The picnic is in the afternoon. So everything is perfect”.

I wish this day won't end. I would love to savor this moment longer but time wouldn't let me. It's always short when am happy. We will never be able to replay this day. After today, it will become a memory, though we took some pictures but it can never replace the feelings of today. One day, I'll remember this day and I hope it brings laughter rather than tears.

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