Chapter 16

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Time flies quickly. It seems like just yesterday, Twinkle hated me and today there's love. I really pray time will let me enjoy this love. I should call my doctor.

"Hello Miss Dora, how are you doing. Have you had any breakdown since the last one"

"Yes but the drugs helped me out. Is there still no solution". I ask

"I wish there was, but we haven't found anyone yet. Please don't skip your drugs, I'll let you know once I have news"

Drugs, what's the use, if it can't bring a permanent result.
"Okay, Thank you. Bye"

It's a text from Bella. I haven't seen her in a while, though we talk over the phone. Why does she always have the bad timing. She's asking if we can meet up but I already have plans with Twinkle. I'll have to turn her down again.

I've been planning on going to see Daniel but something always gets in the way. I'll just have to go today, after my date with Dora.
Who's ringing the doorbell, and where did the maid go to. She's now stressing me to go down the stairs.

I open up the door only to find two faces. One familiar and another unfamiliar one.
"What are you doing here Bella, and who is this". I point towards the unfamiliar lady that's standing by her. She looks elderly, but not that old.

"I helped her with her luggage from the bus stop." Bella replies

Jeez this girl annoys the living hell out of me. Even her good intentions seems bad.
"So who are you" I turn towards the elderly lady.

She looks at me as though she's about to shoot lasers from her eyes.
"it's alright Nwa m nwanyị, drop the bags" she turns to Bella.

Nwa m nwanyị, what does that even mean. And who's she keeping these bags for.
"Bella please take this woman back to wherever you picked her from"

She fixes her gaze on me
"Take these bags inside and get me something to drink "

"Okay, that's it. I've tried my hardest to respect you but your not making it easy for me" I reply

"Twinkle what's going on there"
Dora asks as she comes out from the kitchen.

"Bella brought this woman her and she's....."

Dora cuts me short
"Mum, your here? "

Mum, Dora's mum. So my Grandmum. Jeez why didn't she just tell me from the start na.
"Oh am sorry, I didn't know."

"Keep your apologies." she reply.
"And what kind of name is Twinkle, couldn't you find anything more meaningful to give as a name. What about our African names, Chidinma, Oluchukwu, Kosisochukwu and many more?" she ask Dora

"Mum, we can talk about that later. You need to settle in first, at least take a sit." Dora directs her to the sitting room.

"How can I complain about the daughter's name, even the mother is bearing an English meaningless name. She changed the name I gave to her from birth only to answer this Dora of a name" she mumbles out loud

"Mum, that happened years ago. Are we still gonna be talking about that" Dora replies

"I wasn't referring to you" Mama replies.
"Nwa m nwanyị, come and sit down" she beckons on Bella

OK, this is not the type of Grandmother I dreamt of having. She's nothing like Dora.
"Dora, where should I keep her bags"

"Ehh, did I hear correctly" Mama stands from the chair
"Who is Dora, is she your mate? Can't you find any other proper way to address her"

"Mama don't worry am fine with it" Dora intervenes

"Your fine with what. Ahhhh no, no, no. This can't happen, not when am in this house" Mama shakes her head as she sits back on the chair.

I think I shouldn't say anything anymore. I'll just drop her bags in the guest room.

"Nwa m nwanyị" she turns to Bella.
"Follow Twinkle to wherever she keeps my bag. Open the handbag and bring my phone"

"Yes Mama" Bella replies.

Ah, now she's calling my Grandma, Mama. I drop the bags on the bed, while Bella searches for the phone.
"What is Nwa m n.... I can't even pronounce it."

"I don't really know oh, she's been calling me that from the time I saw her. Bella replies.

"Mum, why are you calling Bella Nwa m nwanyị, it means my daughter. And she's not your daughter. You once said that's what you'll call your granddaughter but Twinkle is your granddaughter not Bella".

"It doesn't matter".

"Hy, you came late for class today, what happened" Daniel ask.

"Let's sit on that bench" I point towards the bench at the school garden.
"I met an elderly woman today. She kept calling me Nwa m nwanyị. I don't really know what it means, but I guess it's her native language".

"Okay, that's nice"

"Tell me about your family, how many siblings do you have, boys, girls" I ask

"Ummmm, am an orphan."

"Oh am so sorry. I didn't know."

"No, it's not your fault" he forces a smile

"Let's talk about something else, how about...."

"No, let's continue." he cuts me off
"I actually wanna talk about it. I grew up at an orphanage. I had a sister. My parents died, so the orphanage took us in".

"Had? Why are you referring to her in the past. Did something happen to her?" I ask

"I can't vividly remember, but I was three years old when I lost her. We both sneaked out of the orphanage in the evening. We went to the market square but I came back alone. Everyone looked for her but couldn't find her. This is the story I was told. But I normally have nightmares. I see the 3year old version of me, standing and holding hands with a little girl. A man approaches us, but I can't see his face clearly."

"What about the girl" I ask

"She suddenly disappears with the man. And am standing alone"

"Maybe the universe is trying to tell you something. Am sure it will become clear with time"
I think I'm the one this phrase is meant for Don't Judge A Book By Its Cover. I pictured Daniel as what he isn't. Who knew that he was only hiding all these pain behind a smile. Who would have thought that he has such burden?

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