[10] The Hidden Gem.

Start from the beginning

"I shouldn't have picked this show to watch... It's putting me on the edge, jeez." Dunia rolls her eyes.

Someone taps Dunia's shoulder, making her jump out of her seat, "Holy shi– My God, Adam. You scared the life out of me!"

"Sorry!" Adam gave her a cheeky smile, his wide-green eyes sparkling.

Adam works at the higher financial level of the company. He's pretty wealthy because of his role in the company. She's chatted with him a few times as colleagues but nothing more than that.

He's extremely attractive though. He has innocently, big green eyes. You can tell he's very fit from how his shirt tightens around his biceps. His hair is always freakishly perfect all the time. If he wasn't gora (white), or was Muslim, Dunia would've thought about sending him a rishta (marriage proposal). Just kidding, but he is totally attractive.

However, Adam always gave her off weird vibes whenever Dunia saw him, even though he's never done anything particular to creep her out. It was as if the alarms inside her always rang loud when he's nearby. Maybe because he's known to be pretty flirtatious around women but he's never tried anything towards her.

"What are you doing here today? The office is closed." Dunia asks as she shuts off her computer, feeling a little embarrassed.

"I had a number sheet to complete and my computer at home was acting up. I'm sorry, though! I didn't mean to sneak up on you." He says.

"No, it's okay! I was watching something freaky anyways. It was my fault for being so jumpy." She smiles.

"What are you doing here?" He asks. He looks her up and down, "And dressed like that?"

Dunia sighs, "Our boss had some things to take care of, but dragged me along somehow from the company event. I'm mad about it."

Adam bobs his head as if going like I see, "I have a question, if you don't mind me asking."

"Yes?" Dunia raises a brow.

"Are you and Mr. Barqat Sheikh– um– are you two, you know, a thing?" He asks hesitantly.

Dunia's eyes widen and bursts out laughing, "What made you think that?"

"You two fight like a married couple whenever I see you." He rubs the back of his head from how silly his statement sounds. "Say... Has anyone ever showed you the hidden gem of the office kitchen?"

"Hidden gem? No way! Where is it?" Dunia is intrigued.

"I'll show you, come on!" Adam motions at her to follow him.

Dunia hesitates. She looks back at Barqat's door, he won't be out any time soon, might as well, she thinks to herself.

Adam notices her looking at Barqat's door, "Don't worry, he won't be out because of how busy he is."

Dunia smiles, "You're right." She follows him to the kitchen.

• • •

"Oh my God! Why was this snack shelf hidden from me?" Adam shows Dunia the snack shelf that was hidden and tucked away in beside he fridge.

"Ashley told me that you'll probably eat everything." Adam jokes.

"How rude! I would not! Okay... maybe I would..." Dunia is mesmerized by all the yummy snacks in the shelf.

"Dunia..." Adam's voice sounds husky all of a sudden. Dunia feels the whole atmosphere shift.

"I think it's time for us to head back. I have to tell Mr. Sheikh that I want to go back to the party to eat some good food." Dunia slowly starts walking towards the kitchen door. She knows if she bolts, there is no way in hell she could outrun Adam.

"Dunia, listen to me." He takes big strides towards her. "I've been quite taken away with you since you started working here."

Dunia's quiet.

"And today– Goddamn, today, you showed up looking so fucking gorgeous." He has her trapped between him and a wall.

"Adam... I need you to let me go." Dunia's whole body begins shaking from fear.

"I could give you anything and everything, you know? I have money, looks... I have everything except you." Adam grabs her waist and pulls her closer.

Tears begin to form in Dunia's eyes. She places her hand on his chest and tries to push him off of her with all her strength, "Adam... i'm begging you, let me go. I'm not like that, I'm not that type of girl."

"I'll make you into that type of a girl. I'll make you mine." He leans closer to her lips.

Dunia quickly covers her mouth, "ADAM, PLEASE! LET ME GO! Please..." She bursts into tears, thinking this is where her life ends.

She wants to kick him but he has her legs locked under his pressure, she's fully trapped. She's so scared that her body begins to give up and become weak. Her legs shaking so much that she's about to fall onto the ground.

"Please Allah... Help me..." She pleas for her dignity one last time.


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A/N: 😱😱😱

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