Chapter 12 Jerry Springer

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I was pacing in my room when I got a text from (YN) that she was on her way. I shook out nervous jitters. It’s not every day that you tell your girlfriend you don’t love her anymore. I went to the bathroom and splashed cold water on myself. I leaned on the sink. It’s going to be okay Ian. You’ll be fine, I told myself.

“Ian? Are you in there? I really need the bathroom, man,” Anthony yelled through the door.

I opened the door. “Sorry,” I said as he went in. I sat down on the couch to wait. Not too much longer, the doorbell rang, and I got up to answer it.

“Hey,” said (YN) standing on the porch. “Can I come in?...” I laughed nervously and opened the door wider. Anthony walked out.

“Hey sweetie, I didn’t know you were coming over,” he said smiling.

“Well uh, I wanted to tell you something….” She trailed off.

“Where’s Megan?” I asked.

“Here!” a voice called, and Megan walked inside. “I was outside on the hammock and heard voices.” I smiled and told her and Anthony to sit down.

“What’s going on?” Anthony asked.

(YN) spoke up. “We-Ian and I-have something to tell you. Please don’t interrupt until we’re done, okay?” she said. I motioned for everyone to sit at the table, and we sat across our significant others.


Ian motioned for us to sit down at the table where we film Lunchtime with Smosh. I was confused, but I sat down anyway. Ian sat across from Megan and the same for me and (YN). (YN) said that she and Ian had something to tell us, but not to interrupt until they were done talking.

“Okay, well what is it then?” I asked, starting to get annoyed. Ian took a deep breath and started.

“(YN) and I kissed the other day. And we have feelings for each other. Strong feelings.”

I started to get up, but (YN) held up her hand, and I sat back down slowly.

Ian continued. “I know your first question would be ‘When did begin?’” I nodded violently, teeth clenched. “And I will answer for you, it was last Friday. (YN) came over for your Casual Friday. She didn’t know you were away. We did Casual Friday, went to the park and kissed there.” I was fuming, but heeded (YN)s wish to keep silent. “We came back home and watched a scary movie. (YN) got scared from the movie and stayed over because she didn’t want to be home alone while Teresa was away with her boyfriend.”

(YN) put her hand on Ian’s, and I gripped the table. “I had a lot of nightmares about the movie, so I slept with Ian." Megan’s head snapped up, and my face started turning an ugly shade of red. “We didn’t do anything but sleep. Ian wanted to help me sleep, and I felt protected from having any more bad dreams.” Megan looked down again, and I could see tears sliding down her face. “So that’s it. We wanted to tell you what happened because we didn’t want to just leave you without a reason.” (YN) turned to face me. “I know it’s hard Anthony, but I’m sorry.  We can’t be together anymore.” She reached over to put a sympathetic hand on my arm, but I jerked it back.


“Now Anthony, please be reasonable,” he said, holding his hands in front on him.

“Oh I’ll be reasonable all right,” I said menacingly, and punched him square in the nose.

“No!” yelled (YN).

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