Chapter 3 The date...

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I was watching the rest of a sappy movie Megan had picked out on OnDemand when Anthony stormed into the house. Megan, who had been sleeping on my shoulder, woke with a scream.

“What the hell man?” I asked Anthony fiercely, comforting Megan.

“Sorry,” he said. “The date…” he trailed off.

“What about it?” I asked.

“Well, it didn’t turn out so great at the end,” he told me, his face distorting. I frowned, so he continued. “She went to kiss me, and I almost did, but I turned away. I was scared, dude,” he admitted.

“Hey man, it’s okay,” I said, standing up. I carefully laid Megan down on the couch, who had fallen back to sleep. I patted Anthony’s shoulder. “You were having a first date after two years. It’s okay. Go sleep it off.” Anthony nodded and walked off to his room. I looked down at Megan sleeping so peacefully and smiled. I turned off the tv and knowing she wouldn’t want to wake up to walk to our bedroom, I picked her up gently and carried her to our room. I kissed her forehead and laid next to her, falling asleep minutes later.


On the car ride back home, I kept calling myself stupid in my head. Stupid, stupid, stupid! Why didn’t I kiss her? Why did I turn away? I left her there, standing on her porch step. How could I do that to (YN)? When I pulled into the garage, I just sat in my car with my face on the steering wheel. I told Ian what happened when I got inside.

“Just sleep it off, dude. You’ll feel better tomorrow,” he reassured me. I nodded and said good night with a forced smile and headed to my room. I stared at the ceiling for hours before falling asleep. I hoped tomorrow would be a better day.


You watched Anthony run to his car, and drive away. What. Just. Happened? You checked your breath. You had gone to the bathroom and put one of those minty strips that dissolve on your tongue before you left so your breath wouldn’t stink. It wasn’t that. You walked up the steps to your door blindly. You fumbled with your keys, and juggled the lock. Walking in the house, you saw your roommate Teresa watching tv. She heard you and turned around.

“(YN)! Hey! How was it?” You shook your head. “That bad?” She asked, walking over to you.

“The date itself was fine,” you told her. “I went to kiss him out on the porch, but he turned away.”

Teresa frowned. “Didn’t this guy not have a girlfriend for like two years?”

You thought for a moment. “Yeah, that’s right. Maybe he was scared,” you said.

Teresa shrugged. “You never know with guys,” she said laughing.

You laughed. “Well I’m going to bed,” you said waving good night. You got to your room and collapsed on your bed, forgetting what just happened.


Ian told me what had happened on Anthony’s date when we woke up. We got dressed and I decided to make French Toast, Anthony’s favorite breakfast. I was in the middle of making breakfast when Anthony walked out to the kitchen.

“Is that…French Toast I smell?” he asked hopefully.

“It is,” I said, smiling.

“Awesome!” he said excitedly, with a big smile. I finished the French Toast, and slid a plate over to him. I poured him a glass of orange juice, and with a mouthful of food he said, “Ankhs!” I laughed and walked over to Ian.

“Good job,” he whispered, winking. I smiled at him and gave him hug.

“Well aren’t you guys gonna have some?” Anthony yelled. Ian and I smiled and helped ourselves to a plate. We walked to table and ate with Anthony, talking and making jokes, and laughing hysterically. This truly seemed like a Kodak moment.

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed it; please comment and let me know if you liked it or hated it haha :p

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