Chapter 27 Best Sister Ever

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"It's been a year, Megan. Can't we put this behing us? Anthony has. I'm very sorry about what happened, but it did. And there's no changing it." ..."I fell in love with YN. I couldn't be with you while being in love with someone else."

There was a knock on my bedroom door. "Megan? Are you okay?" my sister's muffled voice asked. "It sounds like you're crying...can I come in?"

I yelled into my pillow, "Go away! I'm fine!" sobbing more.

"I'm coming in," said Sarah. I didn't reply, just kept crying. "Megan, honey what's wrong??" asked Sarah, seeing me sprawled out on the bed crying into my pillow.

I didn't reply for a minute, but I got up and turned to her with my tear-streaked face and told her what happened. "Ian and YN called me, saying they were 'sorry' about what happened, but it couldn't be changed. I LOVED him, Sarah! With all my heart. But he broke it. All because of that...bitch. I thought she was my friend," I sniffed as Sarah pulled me into a hug.

"I know, I know. Why don't we get some Ben and Jerry's and watch a movie to make fun of. That always cheers you up." She wiped tears away and I looked up.

"Chocolate Therapy and Twilight?" I asked, my mouth attempting to form a smile.

"Definitely," Sarah replied. "Let me get the ice cream from the store. I'll be back soon."

I smiled at her. "You're the best."

She flipped her hair saying, "I know." I laughed and laid on my bed. I had the best sister ever.

Yeah, that's right I put my name in here. I wrote the story, I can be in a chapter. :p Thanks for reading, please vote and comment it is much appreciated. :)

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