Chapter 37 Telling the Fans

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Ian set up the camera, and you sat on the couch.

"Ready?" he asked, and you nodded.

"Hey everyone, you're probably confused. One, there is no Ian is Bored on Tuesdays and two, who is this girl sitting next to me? This is YN. She's my girlfriend." Ian smiled and looked at you.

You took this as a cue to wave and say "Hello!" with a smile.

"So, yeah she'll probably be in a few Ian is Bored videos, maybe she'll even make an appearance in some smosh videos! Who knows! I guess that's it then!" Ian said. "Anything you have to add, YN?" he asked you.

"I'm just glad I'm getting to...virtually meet you guys," you said with a smile.

Ian laughed. "So am I. Now please guys don't leave any mean comments on here or Twitter. You guys are better than that, I know it. I'll see you Friday for the smosh video. Bye!" he turned the camera off and looked at you. "Well I'm gonna go upload this then."

You said okay and kissed his cheek. "Hopefully this goes well."

Ten minutes after the upload, you and Ian were reading the comments.

'She's so pretty!' 'Wow what a catch! :D' There were a few negative comments, but the both of you ignored them.

"This went better than expected." you said. "There aren't too many negative comments."

"I'm surprised," Ian replied. "It's good though."

You had class in 20 minutes, so you got your books together said goodbye to Ian, and drove off to Microbiology.


I was surprised but happy that the fans were cool with my and YN's relationship. Well, most of then at least. I knew the Smoshers would be. Those kids were awesome.I went on Twitter and replied to a few people. I got a tweet from a girl that said she was going to wear a taco suit if I followed her.

I scoffed. "Bullshit." 

"Pics or GTFO," I replied.

She tweeted me a picture of her in a taco suit.

"Crazy girl. she better do this or I'm a gullible idiot." I followed her. Now to wait for her to post pictures tomorrow. This is going to be interesting.

The next day, the girl tweeted me a picture of her in class wearing the taco suit!

"Well shit, she fucking did it."

Yes, I wrote about the taco girl. Shut up. I wrote about it the day she did it because I thought it was funny then I was like okay whatever, but I didn't know what to rewrite!! Okay well anyway I hope you liked this chapter, please vote and comment! :D

That Damn FanFic {Completed}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon