Chapter One: Yet Again

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Dominik's POV

I furrowed my eyebrows and held back another yawn, yet again. I glanced at my phone, yet again, with blurry eyes almost expecting a text to show up from him, but instead all I got was the time blaring into my sensitive eyes. It was now 2:00 am. As in, in the morning and five hours until I had to get up for school. It wasn't that I had really stayed up just for him to text me, I mean I had been doing homework... Well what I think will be made homework for tomorrow night anyway. I had long finished tonight's homework- or should I say last night? I'm not really clingy or anything, but Jack always, always texts me goodnight no matter what. He has always managed to do it.

He's not much of a "stay up late" kind of person and has always texted me before 12:30 am at most, but tonight seems to be a different story. It doesn't make any sense, really. He's been acting really strange lately, but I trust that he'd tell me if something had happened or anything. He has this tell for when he's lying, and I don't know why but it seems to pop up a lot now... it's not something completely ridiculous like a flinch or anything. Jack will look to the sides a bit and bite his tongue with his front teeth. It's common enough, right? So it's not so big of a deal to seem him do it a lot, right? These used to be my thoughts, but now I don't know what to think about it anymore. He leaves spontaneously and is always texting on his phone, he makes up excuses to get out of dates we have... He was never like this before! What changed? I know I'm supposed to trust him and all, but it's becoming more difficult.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by a ding from my phone.

Jack: "Hey babe, sorry it's late. I got caught up at Mitch's hanging with the guys." His text read. He must be too tired to come up with a plausible excuse because if he had really thought, he would have remembered that Mitch is my cousin and that him and his family went on a last minute vacation to California.


I didn't know what to think the next day. I hadn't gotten any sleep, literally, because I had been too caught up with what Jack had texted me at 2:00 in the morning. Even if it had been true, Mitch's mom would have never allow somebody to be over that late. Not only that, but Jack is always on the phone when with me, so that shouldn't change other places, right? So if he had been at Mitch's, he would have already been on his phone so it shouldn't be too hard to text me. I had actually been worried about him because he not only failed to text me goodnight, but he also failed to text me and tell me he got home safe from my house earlier that day.

I'm not sure if I'm supposed to say something or if I should leave him alone and give him a chance to tell me himself. The second one sounds like the better thing to do, but I know he would never tell me he lied if he thinks he got away with it. It sounds horrible, but I love him and I don't think I could let him go so easily. Which is why I have decided to follow him the next time he says he's going to visit his grandmother for a few hours. If he shows up to his grandmothers, then I'll leave immediately. He doesn't even have to know about my doubting him.

The only reason I'm actually going through with this is because a girl came up to me at school about a month ago during one of the few times that Jack isn't glued to my side. She had told me of her older sister of college age swearing that she had had done some unmentionable things with him. This only made me a bit mad and I told the girl off nicely. I guess the only reason I haven't done something like this before is because I'm afraid of what I'll catch him doing; what he's been lying to me about. I almost don't want to know, but I can't just not investigate... Especially after last night.

I have also decided to invite him over for the day for me to observe. I know that this is borderline creepy stalker, but this is only to calm down the vicious suspicions popping up around every corner. I'm getting tired of this incessant guilt that I'm overcome with every time I'm hit with a wave of unease and suspicion. He is my boyfriend of three years! I should be able to trust him completely!

I shook my head and stepped out of my car in the parking lot of Clarks High School. I met Jack at the front gates and grabbed his hand to hold as we walked through the hallways. I squeezed his hand in greeting and mentally deflated like a balloon as his hand just laid limp in my hand. He always used to squeeze back...

"Sorry about last night, Dom. I got caught up watching football with Mitch and the guys from the team. We were checking out the team we are supposed to play tomorrow. They seem to have skill, but I think we can take 'em, no problem." I shook my head in disappointment but he didn't see.

"It's fine, I understand. How is Mitch's mom doing?" Probably tanning, half way across the world...

"She's doing pretty good," He said it so nonchalantly. I probably wouldn't have even guessed he was lying on any other occasion.. that was until he gently bit on his tongue that was slightly sticking out and glanced at me out of the corner of his eye. I did my best to just bush it off and pretended I didn't notice his fib. I nodded my head in response and leaned up to kiss him on the cheek once we had reached my room. He turn his head last minute and kissed me hungrily. I pulled my head back almost immediately.

"I love you," I told him while resting my head on his shoulder.

"Love you, too," He abruptly walked away. I was on the verge of tears as I walked to my seat alone.



"Oh my gosh, Jack! Look at this one!" I said in excitement as I rushed over to the other exquisite flowers. His handsome face held a boyish grin while he brushed his dark brown hair from his face and his baby blue eyes were sparkling. He was gorgeous.

"It's amazing what you find out here," He murmured as he gently glided his fingers over the ocean blue petal of the amaryllis we were so entranced by. He then slowly grabbed my hand and entwined our fingers together. He smiled at me with the most gentle, loving look in his eyes that I didn't even have to think about what I was about to say.

"I love you."

"As I love you, Dominik," He answered immediately in a soft voice. I was almost melting right then and there. I didn't think this moment could get any better until his slowly leaned in and grasped my lips in a kiss that spoke of love and tenderness, no trace of lust at all. It was just a simple brushing of the lips, but it was one of the best we have ever shared. I couldn't even think about breaking up with him any time soon, if anytime at all.

//End of flashback\\

That was two years ago. It's amazing what time can do to a relationship, isn't it? I would know. I miss the gentle, loving Jack. Now I have the distant, lying Jack that I didn't even know existed until these last few months. My current boyfriend isn't the same guy I fell in love with- isn't the guy that earned my trust. That is why I'm going to find out if he really, truly is cheating on me.

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