Chapter Three: Love Is A Lie

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Song for this chapter is: Love Is A Lie by Simple Plan!


I took deep breaths, preparing for what I was about to do. Isaac and I are currently in his car again down the block from Jack's house. I'm going to go in there, which won't be a problem because his mom adores me, and I'm going to gather my stuff that I've left there in a gym bag after I dump his junk from my house out of it. Then, I'm going to wait for Jack to come home. Isaac is going to go to the store and get junk food (ice cream because Isaac thinks I'm a chick for some reason) for us to eat tonight, and I'm going to call him once I get... finished at Jack's house.

"It's going to be okay, you know." Isaac says quietly from the drivers seat. I glance his way before adverting them again.

"It will be, but right now I'm not okay. And I don't know when I will be," That was exactly what I was thinking. I know things will get better eventually, but there's no telling when. All I know is that right now, I am the farthest from okay I've ever been. It will be a while before I'm okay again.

I finally gain the courage to shove open the car door and step out. I close the door back and lean in the passenger side window for encouragement from Isaac.

"You can do this, Dominik. It has to be done," Is all he says. I nod and step away from the car and swing my gym bag onto my shoulder, watching as he drives off. I start walking towards Jack's house and as I get closer, my heart squeezes and clenches in pain. This will probably be the last time I come here. I step up to the beautiful mahogany door and knock gently. His bright and cheerful mother opens the door a few seconds later with a huge grin. I was almost able to reciprocate it, but not quite, causing her to lose her smile and frown in concern.

"Dominik, please come in. Is everything alright?" Nope, your son has been sleeping with other men and women. Of course, I couldn't say that out loud, could I? So I settled for something else.

"Not quite, Jocelyn. Do you know where Jack was yesterday evening or even last night?" I knew I was just twisting the knife, but I just had to see what he was telling his poor mother.

"Was he not with you? He told me when he got home late last night that he fell asleep at your house and drove back here." She says slowly while confusion clouds her eyes. I shake my head with a small, sad smile and hugged her, because she really is like a second mother to me.

"No, ma'am. He was not with me." I wasn't about to lie to her just to save his butt. "I'm going to go on up to his room. Will you send him straight up when he gets home?" She only continues to get more confused.

"Wait, he told me he was spending the day with you so he couldn't babysit Julia and Heather. Sweetheart, what's going on?" My hear broke to hear the growing anger in her voice as it became evident to her that he's been lying quite a lot to her too.

"Just send him up, please," I whispered brokenly as I slide up the stairs and into his room, bag still in hand. I think it's obvious to her on what I'm here for. I tip the gym bag upside down on his bed and let his stuff tumble out of it. Then, I set the bag down on the queen size bed next to his pile of belongings and go to his closet to get my clothes.

After grabbing about a dozen shirts, five pairs of pants, four pairs of boxers, my extra set of headphones, my lucky guitar pick, the promise ring I gave him a few months ago for his birthday that was laying on the floor, my other backpack, my Brokencyde bracelet, photos of us on his wall, my extra bottle of hairspray I let him use since he ran out of his own, and a few other little things I zipped up the bulging bag and waited.

 It was about an hour later that I heard the front door open and close and his mom telling him to head on to his room while she makes dinner. I'm kind of glad that she doesn't mention me being in here, but I notice her tone of voice is a bit off and I'm sure he notices it too but doesn't say anything.

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