Act 2, Scene 12

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Now, staring at himself in his bathroom mirror, he's not sure why he thought it'd be so easy.

Though he started off optimistic, Krist kind of feels dumb now.

The sound of the water flowing from the tap eventually turns to white noise in his ears as he continues to have a stare down with his reflection. When he finally snaps out of it, the water has managed to rise higher in the sink. With an irritated huff, Krist turns off the water, having needed it only for a second.

As soon as he's got his hands dried, he's out of the bathroom, stuck to staring at various parts of his apartment until he can figure out a game plan. So far... he has nothing.

He's not really sure what he was thinking in the first place. It's not as if he could just traipse up to Singto, looking all cool, all calm, as if there isn't a single piece of bad history between them, and say Hey, want to start over? It's a bit too late for that—several months too late. He sighs and collapses on his couch before tilting his head back to stare up at the ceiling.

Furthermore, Singto deserves better than that. Something like that is better suited for the Old Krist, the one that would get angry when his senior would stutter, that would demand to know what's going on. The New Krist understands. The New Krist has kissed, has touched, and has felt, and he gets it now.

Krist closes his eyes. He really gets it now.

His phone vibrates (a message from Hana, a small u ok?), but he powers it down with a huff.

It's somewhat reminiscent of a night long ago, right before he forced the red string to be cut. Out of some twisted nostalgia, he repeats his actions from that night, powering off everything, shutting off the lights, and just existing.

There's no Singto to get him this time.

He trusts Hana not to come.

He's truly alone.

There were times, he recalls, where the string that tied him and Singto together felt more like a chain. It grew particularly heavy when they were in public. It seemed to weigh him down even more after Yui introduced him to Hana.

Now, the chain has been removed, leaving only the frayed pieces of string. Krist wonders if it's possible to tie another one, one that cannot be so easily broken.

He opens his eyes, and the room is still dark.

Shakily, he stands up and moves to open his curtains. Outside, the city lights are still bright. He takes a breath in before pressing his forehead to the cool glass of the window. It's refreshing, and it's a nice way to calm down from the storm that had begun to brew with his thoughts.

When he takes another breath in, he lifts his head from the class.

Outside, the city lives on.

Krist goes to his bed, collapses on it.

He will end up by Singto's side once again, even if he's still not quite sure how to get there.


a/n lmao that last line sounded creepy even tho i didn't mean for it to be, i just wanted a krist chapter where no one else is in it lol anyways i got marker on my new shirt and im just :^)

4 X 7 DreamsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora