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"I'm sorry, P'Singto," Krist says in the moment where their lips are only centimeters apart, breaths mixing together. "I can't do this anymore."

Singto doesn't move away, but he doesn't lean in any further. "Why not?" he asks.

Krist is the one to sit back up, a good distance between them now. He doesn't look the elder in the eyes. "I don't feel anything. I'm mixing work and my personal life. Getting confused between the two."

There's a rough breath from the other person on the bed. "Look me in the eyes when you say that."

So Krist does. "I don't feel anything for you anymore."

He says it slowly, surely, as if this has been the truth all along.

He gets up, making his way to the door, ready to leave his senior alone in the room. When his hand reaches the door knob, the elder speaks:

"Did you ever?"

Once again, Krist isn't looking at him.

"No," he answers. "I didn't."

He shuts the door softly behind him when he leaves. What rings throughout the room instead are his words.

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