Act 2, Scene 8

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When he gets there, Hana is slow to open the door.

"Krist," she greets, as if she hadn't been expecting him, "you're here! Okay. Let me just...." She holds up a finger before shutting the door quickly. It's only a couple seconds later that she opens it again. "Okay. Come in."

Krist does so and stops when he sees a girl with long, dark hair that's been styled to fall in elegant curls, eyes a pretty obsidian that shine in the soft light of Hana's apartment. She wears a nice, purple blouse and white jeans that show off her legs nicely. "So," he looks at Hana, "do you just come from a society with a lot of pretty people, or...?"

Hana lets out a laugh, and Krist notices her cheeks are actually turning a shy red. His eyes widen as Hana begins to speak: "Krist, this is Violet, my," she sucks in a breath, and Krist wishes he had more control of his mouth because before he can stop himself he goes:

"Your friend, right? The one from a while ago."

Hana sends him a sad (or is it pitying?) smile, something she's seem to taken to doing recently. "No, Krist." She takes in another breath, looks at Violet, and says, "This is Violet. My girlfriend. I'm gay, Krist."

Time seems to stop as the three of them all stare at each other, Krist at Hana then Violet before going back to Hana, and Hana and Violet both looking at him, though Krist doesn't miss the way Violet looks over at Hana every few seconds, concern clear in her gaze.

Finally, Krist manages to pull himself together. "Sawasdee krub," he says to Violet, giving a smile and a wai to the woman. "I'm Krist, as you know. It's nice to meet you." He's not sure how to address Hana yet.

Either way, Violet looks at Hana one last time, and Hana sends her a warm smile, one that makes even Krist's stomach flip, just from being there to witness it, before Violet sends him a wai in return. "Sawasdee ka. It's nice to meet you, too." She turns to Hana. "Why did you want us to meet?"

Krist also looks at his friend, then, still unsure about what to say but at least feeling better due to Violet's easy control of the conversation.

Hana, at least, appears to be back to her usual self, already walking between them to head to the kitchen, rummaging in the fridge as soon as she gets there, and pulling out a snack only a few seconds later. "Because our dear Krist here is having some struggles that I think, to an extent, we all can relate to."

"What?" Krist asks, the attention turning to him and making him forgot about having to say anything about Hana's coming out, as Violet shakes her head.

"It's kind of different, though, isn't it?" she asks, smiling and shaking her head once more when Hana offers her some grapes.

"That's why I said to an extent," Hana emphasizes, eating more of her snack. "He's, like, super rich and famous and a guy; we're broke college students trying to get by and ladies. But we're both a little—"

"Hana!" Violet chastises her.

"What?" Hana asks, popping another grape in her mouth. "I don't know what you want me to say. Fruity? Lame. Also, I think that goes more for guys."

"Just shut up," Violet says, shaking her head. "Why do I even put up with you?" She looks at Krist. "So you think you might be gay, huh?"

Krist flushes at the word, but then he finds himself nodding. "Or, at least, not... straight?"

Violet laughs, and it sounds really nice, and Krist wonders again if Hana just knows a lot of pretty people. "We've all been there, haven't we?"

(Hana hoots in the background, having gone back to the kitchen to get more food.)

Krist stares at the woman as she shakes her head, curls moving up and down with the action. "Ignore her," she says, making Krist smile. "So that's the issue, then? Well, we can't figure it out overnight, but it seems to me like you've been thinking about it for way longer than a night." At her raised brow, Krist ducks his head.

"My boy—my ex-boyfriend was bi," he admits. "We talked about it a little bit before, but not... after."

Violet inspects him before smiling. "I see. Well," Krist sways on his feet some at her voice, it's an odd calm to Hana's storm, "we can only do so much in eight hours, but we'll see what we can do, okay?"

Krist stares at her blankly before nodding. "Okay."

"Are you two ready for snacks, now?" Hana asks, shaking a bag of chips.

"We just ate dinner!" Violet laughs. "There's no way you're still hungry."

Hana makes a face, and watching the two interact, Krist wonders if he and Singto were like that.

It's kind of ironic how he hopes they had been.


a/n whoomp there it is!! lol

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