The Beach

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The day before we were supposed to get on the boat, we went at the sandy beaches of Folorde. My family and I were looking in and around the shore for seashells and broke sand dollars.

Gold, silver and bronze sparkles covered the beach, and each step I would find a beautiful piece. The waves flowed towards me, covering the beach in a beautiful blue tint. The water was cold and yet completely comfortable, the water floated and surrounded my feet like a blanket.

I saw a white silver glimmer in the corner of my eye, i walked to see what it was. It looked like a half of a sand dollar, yet it wasn't the item which caught my eye. I looked down at the item determining whether to pick it up. I decided to pick the surprisingly lightweight item up, and decided it was most likely a necklace.
But it was not just a necklace. It was a blue necklace with waves that looked like they were moving! The chain was silver and locked like it was made of light. I kept looking at the end of it until I realized it was a wave moving the light.
I looked around, trying to see if anyone could have dropped it, but I didn't see anyone around, except my family.
I know shouldn't have picked it up but when I did I felt like water ran over my feet though there was nothing. It kinda freaked me out, like when a wind gusts blows at your neck.

I jumped slightly when I heard a voice scream, "Come on, Scarlett! We need to start packing!" It happened to be my sister.  She always acts like she is a princess but I was happy she wanted me to be with her. Maybe we could talk and discuss about what to do next.

"I need you to help get my bedding!" There's my sister demanding! She has always been hard on me. She was older than me by less then a year, yet she held it over my head like it was a golden trophy which I would never get, which was true. I would never be out of the shadows. My sister always took the spotlight, and my parents seemed to shower her with attention. Multiple times I have ran away, going on dates and to the movies, yet neither of them realized it. I guess it was good since I got away with it, but I always felt a emotional detachment from them when these events would occur.

My sister yelled again, "Stop looking at the sand, and get over here. Or else I will tell Mom and Dad you got lost!" She said this while running to the hotel, laughing. I looked up, quickly running after her. I put the necklace in my pocket. It seemed like it hummed in there, in time with the sound of the waves, as I ran off after my sister.

😀 first book I'm writing😀
write in the comments what you think of it so far!😊

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