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You came into my life

and turned it around completely,

you've made feel happy,

I now believe in a world without pain,

with no sadness,

no one can bring me down anymore,

you don't play with my feelings,

you want nothing more than to make me smile,

and you wouldn't believe that

that's exactly what you do everytime,

you've placed your heart in my hands to keep

and I promise I'll protect it forever and always,

we're living in a world where no ones cares

about anyone but themselves,

and you're the only one who cared,

cared to remember the little things,

cared to be there for me when I needed it,

to hug me and tell me I'm amazing,

to just know me and understand,

My heart's a bit fragile

and you've made sure not to break it,

no matter how far we are apart

you make me feel loved,

and I'll forever be thankful.

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