Moving On

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Is my presence not good enough to be felt?

Am I a burden?

is it because I'm not as fun as the others,

cause I don't sneak out,

and talk to you when I know I shouldn't,

we were so close,

we'd talk everyday,

now we don't for months at a time,

and I keep losing count,

you no longer come around just so you can see me,

or just to find out if I'm okay,

let me know if I'm being too clingy,

or if I'm overreacting,

tell if me if i'm being too desperate

for the sound of your voice,

hearing you laugh at my jokes

even when i know it's not that funny,

the way your eyes light up

at the thought of getting something new,

talking about the fun times we've had,

just thinking about it, is making me sad,

now you don't even bother to say hello,

or call me by my name,

when I pass you don't even look my way,

but you know what

I'm not gonna sit around

thinking if you're ever gonna come back,

I may miss all the things we did,

but I've learned a lesson from all of this,

Life is a roller coaster enjoy the ride.

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