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[name] had been interested in technology ever since she had manifested her quirk, which she calls binary. This quirk allows [name] to see the name of objects in binary form. With this, she is able to rearrange the ones and zeros to change the name of the object and as a result, the actual object. She is also able to make things by saying the name of the object in binary. Her parents let her use an old laptop of her father's to learn more about quirks--hers in particular.

[name] had come across a coding website at the age of 10 and was immediately intrigued by the world of coding. Some of her favorite things to do was deciphering codes using their keys. She asked her parents for all kinds of books that discussed code and related topics. She taught herself how to hack using the computer languages she had learned previously and became very skilled in that area. She used her methods of learning computer languages to help her learn other languages.

A few years after she manifested her quirk, [name] had gotten bored of just reading about code, although she did love learning about it. She began hacking websites.

One day after she had hacked a particularly difficult website she had found online, she was redirected to a suspicious web page with links leading to others. There, [name] uncovered many classified secrets of the world of heroics. She read and read everything the website had to offer and more.

At the age of twelve, two years after her discovery of hacking, [name] became a hacker for hire. She had expected many cases involving dangerous situations but instead, she got many men and women who suspected that their significant other was cheating and therefore requested that she hack into their phone.

Other times, she would be hired by dangerous people and/or organizations, such as the mob. Her favorite of those kind of clients was the Chicago mob. They had requested that she find and track one of their men that had disappeared after an important job. Another time, they had come to her to hack into a man's bank account. [name] had almost refused the job until she was told that she would not have to use her computer, therefore it would be harder to track her. And even though she was for hire, she never accepted payment for her jobs - whether they were tedious or not. She did not want her parents thinking less of her if they learned she was making a living off basically being a criminal. She was only twelve anyway.

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