just miss me and continue to love me even when im no longer there beside you.

i never would've talked to you if i knew this would've happened and im so sorry i put you through this.

love me forever jimin.


i need to know you'll love me until the day you die too because i still love you and here i am... dying.

we made it so far, well as far as we could.

if you ever move on just remember to treat him like you treated me, okay?

love him with every last piece of you and never let him go.

you deserve the world jimin and im sorry i couldn't give you that. i hope i was enough for you.

this is the last thing you'll ever read from me... sad, isn't it? it doesn't have to be.

keep this okay?

read it over and over if you have to.

write in the blank pages after this if you want. write to me jimin. even if i can't read it tell me how your day is going.

tell me how it felt to graduate.

tell me about your first job interview and how nervous you were.

tell me about the cute boy who moved in next door, will you?

tell me how much you like him.

tell me his favorite color and his favorite flower.

tell me if he's a vegan or tell me whether the cookies he gave you are homemade or not.

tell me how much you love him.

tell me you'll never let him go.

tell me everything until you fill up every last page in this book, okay?

i'll miss you so fucking much jimin.

i'll miss kissing you and hugging you and telling you how much i love you.

give me one last kiss and hug and tell me you love me one last time.

i don't have much time left so i can't write in this all day so i'll have to go for the last time...

i love you jimin, forever and always.

this is so hard...

god i love you.

you're so beautiful.

i love everything about you, every last piece of you.

smile, jimin.

just smile.

i'll always love you not matter what.

you're the love of my life.

goodbye ;).

still like the winky face?

- jungkook


"done." i whispered, closing the diary and setting it beside me.

everyone was crying now, no one could hold it in anymore and i understand them completely.

i smiled through my tears and looked at you.

"read this as soon as im gone please, i need you to read it." i said and you nodded, wiping your tears.

"we love you jungkook." namjoon said and i nodded. "i know... i love you guys too, truly i do. there's also a letter in my room under my pillow for everyone. i wrote it last week when i started feeling like this. i don't want you guys to cry, i just want to see you smile one last time."

you smiled and held onto my hand, pressing a kiss to the back of it.

they all gave me the best smile they could and i smiled.

"thank you." i whispered and laid down.

"jimin." i whispered and you stepped closer to me.

"kiss me." i whispered and you pressed your lips to mine. i kissed you the best i could before pulling away. "hug me." i whispered and you wrapped your arms around me.

"tell me you love me once more." i said and you started to cry.

"i love you jungkook, forever and always." you said and i smiled. "i love you too jimin, forever and always."

then i closed my eyes and waited to fall asleep.

i smiled as i listened to everyone tell me they loved me and that i was the best friend they could ever have.

"i love you so much jungkook, i'll never forget you."

that was the last thing i heard.

thank you jimin.

i love you and i'll never forget you either.

-taestanidk about you but when i wrote this a couple weeks back i couldn't stop crying 🙁there is one more chapter though and it has a much happier ending ❤

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idk about you but when i wrote this a couple weeks back i couldn't stop crying 🙁
there is one more chapter though and it has a much happier ending ❤

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