"You're done?"

He asked for confirmation. (Name) nodded her head softly placing the tray in the sink taking a seat in front of Yami, sensing that he wanted to speak to her.

"You wanted to talk?"

Asked (name) with a straight face. Despite her nonchalant composure, the girl felt restless in her seat waiting for the man in front of her to talk.

The straining atmosphere came back in a flash while the two just sat and stared at each other. When (name) was about to get up and leave, Yami grabbed (name)'s hands that were laid on the table.

"Listen... I'm sorry about last night. It was wrong of me to drag you off and scold you like that."

(Name)'s eyes widened at Yami's sudden apology. She stayed quiet for a second letting ehr brain take in Yami's apology. When her mind finally processed everything, (name) sighed.

"Yami, I'm sorry too. I knew it was wrong of me to break into a building and talk to people that could potentially hurt me. You were just trying to make sure I wasn't hurt but I overlooked it as troublesome. I should've just kept my mouth shut instead of talking back." 

(Name) apologized. Her chest squeezed with guilt. Guilt that she didn't listen.

Yami's chest also squeezed. Despite wanting to protect her, he also hurt her. 

Another quiet and uneasy air filled the room. Both took in a deep breath as the tight atmosphere began to choke them. Looking up at each other, they started to chuckle which turned into a laughing spree. The strained air cleared and was filled with laughter.

Both teens walk up to each other and throw their arms around each other. Their laughs silenced but the air remained free.

"So how did I end up here?"

(Name) asked with a raised eyebrow. Yami chuckled and looked down to meet her gaze.

"Well, when Ishizu brought you here last night you were stone cold drunk!"

Yami laughed hysterically making (name)'s cheeks flush up in embarrassment as she slapped Yami's arm.

"Don't laugh at me!!"

A flushed (name) shouted.

"You were leaning so far to the side that Ishizu had trouble dragging you! Hahaha!!"

Yami's hysterical laugh was all that could be heard in the shop while (name) kept slapping Yami's arm and chest trying to get him to quiet down.

Unexpectedly, Yami grabbed (name)'s hand and pulled her towards him. In a blink of an eye, Yami's face was only a few centimeters apart from (name)'s,

"If you want to quiet me down then make me."

Said Yami with a teasing smile that made (name)'s entire face heat up.


(Name) blushed leaning upwards connecting her lips with Yami's making his own face flush.

Once (name) pulled back she saw his red face causing her to giggle.

"I win." 

She grinned before making her way out of Yami's arms and going towards her room leaving a flushed Yami behind to take in the fact that (name) made the first move.

Placing a hand on his cheek, Yami grinned and chuckled.

"Indeed you did, Habiba." 


Look at who did an actual update for once XD

So I do plan to add in Bakura soon. 

More drama.... Oh boyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Anywayzzzzzz, I hope you guys do enjoy the extra info I gave about the breakfast you were eating. Before you ask anything, I got all of my information on Google ((thanks bud, you're always there for me... except when the wifi is down :())

Marik: BAkUrA! StAnD bY On teN!

Bakura: what does that even mean? AND WHY AM I IN A GIRAFFE COSTUME?!

Marik: Better than a dildo on your head. Accept it.

Yugi: what's a-


Tristan: *covers Yugi's ears*

Yami: Demonic, can I send the readers off?

Yeah, sure. 

Yami: thanks


Yami: *clears throat and is about to speak but a chair hits him in the face* 


Bakura: mArIk DiD iT!

Marik: *accidentally pets my potted cactus* OUCH! YOU FLUFFY, FURRY DICK SUCKING BITCH! I DIDN'T DO SHIT!

Yugi: *gasps* VuLgAr LanGuAge

Gary the Parrott: SQUWAK! Leave quickly! SQUWAK!



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