11 - Battle Pt. 2

Start from the beginning

Hannah started to run again so she can get to Steve and Bucky.

"Hannah?" Steve said.

"They're trying to get to you," she warned. "The prince, he saw you, he tried to get to you. Scott, he stopped him but Pete - I mean Spider - Man and Colonial Rhodes got in the way."

"Right," Steve said. "Thanks for letting us know. Buck, we gotta hurry."

Steve and Bucky made it to the hanger. Hannah followed to see them leave. Natasha Romanoff was there, waiting for them. 

"You're not gonna stop," Natasha said.

"You know I can't," Steve said.

"You're taking the kid with you?" she asked.

"No, she's not coming with us," Steve said.

"I'm gonna regret this," she said. She stunned T'Challa, who had just arrived behind them.

"Go," she said to Steve and Bucky.

The two friends ran for the Quinjet as she kept T'Challa at bay.

"You're not going to turn me in, are you?" Hannah asked.

"No," Natasha said. "Who are you?"

"I'm just a kid who wants to help," Hannah said.

"Who's behind the mask, then?" Natasha said. "Take off the mask."

Hannah slowly revealed herself to the former assassin. 

"You're scared," Natasha said.

"A little," Hannah admitted. 

"What's your real name?"

"H - Hannah."

"Well, Hannah, you want to know how you can help?"


"Go home," Natasha said.

"But how?" Hannah asked. "How the hell am I supposed to get home now? I'm a minor. I'm only fifteen. I - I -"

"Don't worry, I've got it covered," Natasha promised. "Now, get yourself out of here. Put that mask on and leave, you understand?"

"I understand," Hannah said. 

"Good, now go!"

Hannah nodded as she put her mask on and ran. 


Hannah grabbed her duffle bag from the van in the parking lot and started to rush out. She looked over her should as she was heading out of the airport. 

She ran out into the streets of the city she's in. She has no idea what city she's in, all she knows that she's in Germany. Hannah turned around in her spot looking at everything around her. She's trying to take everything in.

Hannah was in a foreign country with no money and nowhere to go. She has no cell service on her phone so she can't call her uncle to help her. Everyone she sided with has either been captured or have escaped. She has no idea what to do.

People stared at Hannah strangely. Hannah knew that people were wondering who the hell she is and why she's wearing some random costume.

"Oh, God," she said, trying to breathe. "Oh, God. I'm in a foreign country. Shit. What do I do? What do I do?"

Hannah remembered. She's right outside the airport. Maybe she can go back in and exchange some money so she can get a hotel room and some extra clothes.

"Hey," she heard Natasha Romanoff's voice say.

Hannah turned around.

"Hi," she said. 

"Come with me, kid."

"Where are we going?" Hannah asked.

"I'm taking you back to New York," she said. "And in the bag are some extra clothes. I booked you  a plane ticket back to New York."

"Th - thank you, Miss. Romanoff," Hannah said.

"It's Natasha," she said.

"I - I can call you Natasha?" Hannah asked.

"Yeah," she nodded. 

"O - oh."

Natasha and Hannah entered the bathroom. Hannah quickly changed and left the stall. As she stuffed her suit into a different duffle bag, Natasha said, "There are security cameras outside," They saw that you can I came in together. They can't know you're the same girl who came in with your original duffle bag. It's too risky/"

"Yeah," Hannah said.

"I'll keep your duffle bag with me until we get to New York," Natasha added. 

"Will - will I get into trouble?"

"Don't worry, I'll convince Tony to convince Thaddeus Ross not to do anything to you," Natasha assured her. "I'll convince Tony that you were being dumb and didn't think things through."

"Well, I was being dumb and I didn't think of how much trouble I was going to get into," Hannah agreed. "Thank you, thank you. I appreciate it."

"Now, go get onto the plane, they're boarding. I'll catch up with you in a sec."

Hannah nodded and left the bathroom with her plane ticket her duffle bag. 

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