"D-Niii" Peter almost slipped up and mentally kicked him self, Tony's eyes widen and walks over to Peter. 

"Did you just go to call me Daddy?" Tony coo's tickling Peter's foot, the boy shook his head defiantly and Tony continued to tease the boy until the smell of pancakes entered the room. Tony grinned at Peter and blocked his view of the person carrying them in. "Ah ah little guy. Eyes closed." He coo's and grins as Peter pouts and does as asked. Pepper grins as she see's the boy hiding his face, walking over she pops Peter's Thor plate on the tray then gently takes his hands away from his eyes.

"Peak-a-boo right back at you" She coo'd and grinned as Peter's eyes lit up at the sight of her. His arms immedately stretched out and he flexed his hands.

"Mamamamama!" He squeals excitedly and Pepper pops a kiss on his head. "Up Up Up!" He tries to grab her but fails to get a grip.

"Eat first then I'll give you all the cuddles you could want" She reasons, a laugh escaping her as Peter attempts to shove most of the pancake in his mouth. "Slowly Peter. I'm not going anywhere" She scolded lightly and sighed seeing him slow down on inhaling the food.

"You'd think you were a god or something" Tony teased and Pepper playfully smacked his shoulder. "ok ok, totally a god" He laughs and eats his own pancakes. Pepper following with hers after a few minutes of watching Peter.

Peter spent 30 minutes after breakfast firmly planted on Pepper's side soaking up all the cuddles as the two packed everything up and made their way to the garage. Steve, Bucky, Clint, Bruce and Natasha stood down by a mini van, something Tony had only brought after getting Peter as a way to embarrass him if he dropped him off to school. The four men coo'd and Natasha chuckled.

"Adorable" She states pinching the boys cheek a little as he stays attached to Pepper's side. "Are you getting cuddles little one?" She asks and Peter just nods.

"Mama" He whines and Clint coo's. "Go?" He asks and Pepper smiles.

"Yeah baby. We're going" She says getting Peter into a booster chair and making sure he was comfortable before climbing in the front. Peter didn't seem to agree with that even when Tony and Clint sat beside him.

"Maamaa" He whines, Tony hushes him a little and Peter pouts more. "Clinnnn'" He tries reaching up to the older man. Clint smirks aware of what the boy was trying to do

"Oh no, is little Peter getting pouty because mama sat up front?" He coo'd and tickled the boys foot. Peter gasped and squirmed around as Tony's hand took the other. "Look at this squirmy little boy. So ticklish" He teased.

"Don't wind him up" Steve warned as he drove, a glance at him through the mirror showed he had a smirk on his lips. "He might be diapered but I don't think an accident would make him happy" Peter glared at all of them as they stopped. A small angry huff escaping the boy as they drove.


The pool was massive. 

Tony hadn't spared expense when it came to building things and the pool showed it. Tony looked cautiously at Peter then the arm bands they'd brought with ducks on them and then to the giant rubber duck float ring they'd grabbed him. He looked excited to jump out of Tony's arms and swim but he had a vice grip on the boy as Steve blew up the inflatable items. Clint, Bucky, Natasha, Bruce and Pepper were already in the pool swimming around and cooling off.

"Pete. Can you hold still" Tony asks gently as he sits on the edge of the pool, feet kicking the water gently. He wasn't getting in, to many bad memories and thankfully his team knew that. He'd just sit at the edge watching them for a while and maybe catch up on his tan. He almost jumped when Steve held the arm bands in front of him and smiled sheepishly.

"Sorry Tony. Didn't mean to scare you" He mumbles and Tony just nods, putting the bands on the boy he lowers him down to Steve's waiting arms and watches intensely as he rests the boy on his chest and back strokes to the others. 

Peter was having fun, smacking the puddles on Steve's chest with a bit of force that made Tony wince. He may have been a baby but his strength was still there, he flinched when Steve grunted a little and a red mark was seen in one of the spots Peter hit.

"Ok little guy, lets not hit so hard" Steve mumbles and chuckles as the boy just giggles and hits again, clearly a lot lighter than last time. He let out a squeal as Pepper grabbed him up into her arms and showed him to splash at Bruce and Bucky who looked 'shocked' at the misbehaviour.

"Tony. Tell your wife to stop influencing your son!" Clint yells and Tony just sends him the finger with a grin. "That's rude!" He squawks a little. 

"R'de!" Peter copies and Pepper coo'd a little.


That was how the day went, swimming, splashing and just having fun.

Peter was exhausted when it came to bath time so they made it quick and by the time they got back to the tower he was almost completely asleep. Steve smiles gently at the sight and says his good night as Bucky takes the other's hand and leads him to their floor. The other's follow and Tony pauses as he and Pepper are in the elevator and looks at her.

"....When did they start dating?" He asks and Pepper just grins a little.

"Asked him out last night after the mission. About time" She said seriously and Tony nods.

"I know. I was about to shove them in a closet" He jokes and laughs with Pepper.

They get the boy some food and manage to get him to eat before finally putting him to bed.

It was a good day.

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