Chapter Nine

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Bella's POV

Tony had been talking to Alvin Reynolds for quite a while in his office. I was sitting by myself smoking a cigarette and drinking champagne. I heard my earpiece beep and lazily reached up to answer.

"Capo! It's Lulu!" I was immediately greeted with Pisano's absolutely panicked voice. I froze in place and set down the champagne. "What happened?" I asked calmly.

"She was kidnapped by Santiago Álvarez's men. She left to run an errand, get food maybe, and she's gone. I had our men immediately figure out what happened and we know it was them and where they have her." He informed me quickly.

I grinded my teeth together. "Ano. I will be home in twenty minutes. Any fucking cop pulls me over and I'm killing them so be ready to cover it up. See you soon." I said in the deadliest of tones before hanging up the ear piece and standing up.

Chi Chi was standing in some corner keeping an eye on things and I made my way to him.

"Can you go get my car for me now, aye?" I asked. He seen the deadly look in my eyes and nodded his head.

"Yes of course, Ms. Mancini, is everything alright?" He asked.

"No. Just get the car." I replied and he ran out of the room. I followed him and waited outside for him to get it.

He whipped the car in front of the steps and jumped out, waiting with the door open for me to get in. I kissed his cheek quickly and got in, shutting the door.

"Gracias, Chi Chi. I appreciate it. Tell Tony I have something serious to take care of." And with that, I sped away.

Once I reached my mansion I ran inside to my bedroom. I ripped off my gown and jewelry and threw on a bulletproof vest and clothing. I grabbed two guns and attached them underneath the vest.

Pisano came into my bedroom and helped me strap everything on without question.

"All our men are ready and we have all the big guns in the cars. Álvarez has about 20 men in Miami and that's it. Won't be hard. All the men that aren't in the warehouse with Lulu, we found them already and got them tied up nearby there, guarded by Endrizzi." He informed me.

I nodded quickly and tied my hair up. "Let's go." I told Pisano and we rushed out of the house.

Pisano led me into a the backseat black car driven by one of our men and we raced out of my mansion to the highway.

We were at the warehouse in less than 30 minutes. We parked away from it where we couldn't be seen and quietly got out of the car.

"Lulu is in a room locked up alone and the men are sitting around playing cards and shit." Pisano began.

"Our men are surrounding the building now. Are you ready to bust in?" He asked.

"Let's fucking go." I responded and began walking towards the front door of the warehouse. One of my men handed me a MAC-11 and I quickly put on a pair of gloves to grip it with.

Pisano was handed one as well, and my other men were already carrying them. When I got to the door, I kicked it in and immediately sent shots everywhere.

The fuckers were sitting around playing cards and drinking beers. We took them all down and my men rushed in and headed towards a specific room.

They busted down the door and I seen Lulu taped to a chair tied up. I screamed in anger and rushed to her. I whipped out a pocket knife and cut all the tape away and the rope her hands were tied up in.

Lulu had makeup running down her face and bloodshot eyes. My heart ached as I cupped her cheeks in my hands and inspected her for injuries. "Are you hurt, baby? Did any of those fuckers touch you?" I asked.

"They knocked me out when they first got me and hit me a few times. They didn't touch me though. They were planning on it." She said on the verge of tears. I held her tightly and stroked her hair.

"I got you now, love. Tomorrow I'm getting on a fucking jet to Cuba and I'm slitting this Santiago Álvarez's throat."

Four Hours Later

Lulu was fast asleep in my bed. She felt safest in there and I wanted her to feel safe. We gave her a bath and I had a doctor check her out and clean her up. She was going to be okay. At least physically. That angel had been through enough mentally. The thought made me even more murderous.

I finally had taken a shower myself after checking on Lulu for the millionth time. I had on a red silk robe and my hair down as I sat in my kitchen smoking a cigarette.

After saving Lulu we killed all of Álvarez's men and my men covered it up as we drove home. That motherfucker didn't know who he was messing with. Who he had started war with. It was over.

The doorbell interrupted my thoughts and I put out my cigarette before telling Pisano I would answer it. I grabbed a gun off the counter and walked over to the door. I checked the peephole and seen that it was Tony.

I set the gun down and opened the door, ushering him in before shutting it and locking it.

"You don't need to be here right now, Tony. It isn't safe." I told him. He stared at me. "Isn't safe? What happened, sweetheart?"

I sighed and led him into the kitchen. Pisano got up and went upstairs and me and Tony sat down.

I filled him in on everything. I told him that in two days I was leaving for Cuba to kill Álvarez and everyone he knew. After I was done speaking he reached out and gently clasped my hands in his. I sighed at his touch, loosening up a little.

"I want to come with you." He said.

"Tony, I-"

He cut me off. "I know my way in Cuba. I know the people and the streets. It's my country. I am not letting you go alone. I am coming with you." He said and I stared at him in surprise.

He stood up and came over to me. He reached out and tangled a hand into my hair, and leaned in to kiss me. I didn't stop him. I kissed him back slowly and wrapped my arms around him.

He picked me up out of my seat and I wrapped my legs around his torso. He led me into the foyer and leaned me against the front door. He pulled away to leave kisses from my jaw to my neck, nibbling at my skin causing me to moan.

His lips found mine again and I kissed him hungrily. He slowly pulled away and set me on the ground. He caressed my cheek with his thumb and left a soft peck on my lips.

"I going to go take care of things so that I can leave with you, yeah?" He asked. I nodded and leaned in to kiss him again. He smiled against my lips and I tugged on his hair.

"Easy now, Tiger." He smirked and I laughed out loud. He smiled big when I did.

"You be safe now." He whispered to me, leaving one last kiss on my lips. I unwillingly untangled myself from him and opened the door for him to leave.

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