Chapter Five

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Bella's POV

I awoke to a beeping monitor and a terrible headache. I could feel that my right arm was bent into a sling and bandaged up. My eyes opened slowly to a blurry Tony Montana sitting in a cushioned chair next to the bed I was laying in. I blinked several times to get rid of the blurriness.

Tony smiled at me and slowly began to speak. "How you doing, beautiful?" He asked me. "How is my arm?" Was the first thing out of my mouth.

His smile got bigger. "Your hotshot well payed doctor took care of that, sweetheart. You just gotta heal up. No shooting men for a few days." He grinned. I smiled slightly.

That was good news. I'd been hit several times, I mean I was in the drug business. That happens. But gunshots aren't walks in the park. There could be a million different injuries I could have gotten and fucked up muscles and tendons. You never know.

"Fanculo." I muttered. "How long I gotta stay here? How long have I been here?" I asked wearily. I had too much business to take care of for sick days.

"You just been out all night. It's-" Tony glanced down at his diamond embezzled watch, "Three in the afternoon."

The door opened before I could respond. Serio and Pisano walked into the room and Pisano rushed over to me. He grabbed my hand in his and brushed my hair away from my face with his other hand. "Capo. You're awake. I was so worried, as always." He rushed.

I gave his hand a squeeze and gestured for him to come closer. We kissed each other's cheeks and he began talking again.

"I know who the fuck did this, Capo. Someone we didn't know nothing about until they showed themselves. A friend of Frank's from Cuba. He a big shot over there. Name is Santiago Álvarez. He sent men over here. Stalked you and then pulled that hit at the Babylon." He informed me.

"Quel figlio di puttana." I spat. "I'm going to fucking kill him and all of his men myself. I'll tell you, Ano, that shit hurt. Bullet through the arm, fanculo. Not again. Anyways, my left arm still good. It'll be fine." I said simply.

Serio cut in, "Ms. Mancini, with all due respect, you have to rest. I worked on your arm all night to repair it and fix it up. You can't afford to damage it anymore-"

I cut him off. "Thank you, Serio. I am truly in your debt and you will be paid well. But I got business. You know this. Thank you again, love. Now. Get these cords out of me and let me leave." I ordered.

He nodded in defeat. Pisano kissed my hand and left the room. When he reached the door he turned around to look at Tony. "Let's leave him to take care of the Boss. Come with me, please." He said.

Tony got up slowly and looked down at me. "I glad you okay. See you soon." He said and reached out to caress my hand before leaving the room.

"He has been here all night, Boss." Serio informed me as he began withdrawing the many cords attached to my body and checking my vitals. "Montana?" I asked. He nodded.

I smiled. Just a little. He didn't have to do that at all.

30 minutes later

I felt like absolute hell as Pisano helped me down the stairs of Serio's mansion. He led me to Endrizzi's car and helped me into the backseat.

"Ciao, Capo. Thank God you okay. We going to take out all of those sons of bitches, huh?" Endrizzi said to me from the drivers seat. I managed to give him a smile.

"Oh, it's over, compagno." I replied and he smiled big in return. He was one of my top men.

We reached my mansion and I had another little reunion with Dorothy inside. She hugged me tightly and wiped away a tear. I knew now that all my people had heard was that I had been shot and they didn't know where I was or if I was alive or not. The shooting was a serious ordeal, many people were slaughtered.

I went to my bedroom, closed the curtains, and carefully settled into my bed. I really did need rest. My arm hurt like hell and I wanted all of my strength back. Me and Pisano figured everything out on the ride home and he was going to handle things for me for a few days.

I was ravishing over my plans for revenge when the telephone on my nightstand began to ring loudly. I reached over to answer it. "Hello?" I asked.

"Boss." Said the familiar accented voice of Tony.

"Hello Antonio. Thank you for everything you did for me last night. It will not be forgotten." I said to him. There was a pause before he replied. "How are you feeling, yeah?" He asked.

"I'm going to go ahead and rest for a couple of days. Get back my strength. I'm a big believer in revenge. Lots of things to do when I'm better." I answered.

"You and me both." He said and I could hear the smile in his voice.

"You get better now, Lion. I see you soon." He told me before hanging up.

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