Chapter Three

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note- let's pretend Lana del Rey came out in this era. her music is so perfect for this story and the movie Scarface in general.

Bella's POV

"Be safe, Lion.." Echoed in my head as I woke up wrapped in my red silk blankets. I liked the sound of that. Lion. No one had called me that before. I sighed. The sun shone through my gold curtains and I got out of bed. There was a tray beside me with a cup of hot coffee and breakfast.

I ate and went into my bathroom to take a shower. I put a record into the record player and Lana del Rey began playing loudly in my bedroom. After getting out of the shower Dorothy entered my room with a smile.

"Buongiorno, signora." She said and began drying my hair. I turned down the music so that it played softly in the background.

"Buongiorno, amore." I replied with a smile.

After my hair was dried I picked out what to wear for the day. A short, silver long-sleeve dress. I picked out a pair of silver heels to match and put on a thigh strap, slipping my gun into it. I then called Pisano on the telephone in my bedroom.

"Hello Capo. Tony Montana has met with me for breakfast and everything is set in motion. He wishes to speak with you, though. Didn't tell me what." He reported.

"Alright Ano, grazie. You tell him to meet me at the Babylon tonight at 8. I have business to take care of." I told him.

"You got it, Capo. Be safe."

One Hour Later

I sat in a garden at Miguel Fuentes's mansion as he poured me a glass of gin. He passed me the glass after pouring it and sat down. I took a drink and slipped off my sunglasses, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it.

"Delivery went perfect, Boss. Not one key lost. My men made sure of it. Here is all the money." He said and passed over a package to me across the table. I smiled.

"That is very good, Miguel. Thank you. How is your daughter?" I asked.

He smiled big. "She is great! Thank you so much for asking, Boss. How is Pisano?" He asked.

"Good, good." I replied. We ate lunch and chatted about business and how things were going on the streets. I took good care of the men who were loyal to me. Always. It's what keeps them loyal and prevents fuck ups. Though fuck ups always happen in this business. After lunch Miguel kissed my hand and we said our goodbyes.

After the few more business meetings that lasted all day I headed home to change for the Babylon tonight. I liked that joint. They played good music and had a nice setup. I pulled into my mansion and got out of the car.

I walked through my garden, sniffing roses and all kinds of different flowers as I walked along. I nodded at my gardener with a smile before heading in through the back door.

I wore red tonight. A long red gown with a slit in the leg and a bikini cut on the top, showing off the tattoos on my chest. I got a pair of black heels and kept my thigh strap on with my gun in it. I applied a full face of makeup- dark smokey eyes and deep red lipstick.

I applied vanilla scented oil into my curls, making them bouncier and erasing any frizz. I then met Endrizzi outside and he opened my car door for me. I matched with my cherry red Coupe de Ville tonight.

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