How Music Brings Back Memories

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Sort of weird how certain music can bring me back to a certain time
Listening to music brings back so many memories...

I'll listen to a song from Walk Off The Earth's album Sing It All Away,
And I'll be brought back to last July
Sitting in my room with sunlight shining through the window,
Singing along and wishing a certain someone was there with me
Or I'll listen to one of Sarah McLachlan's songs
And I'll be listening to music as I clean my room
Or I'll be at a music camp in early July,
Enjoying my time there but daunted by the thought of not being able to see my lover for a long time

I'll hear one of Melanie Martinez's songs
And it'll be August
When I'm cleaning the house a bit so to be ready for when my boyfriend comes over later that day
And a few days later, lying on the couch, dreaming of him and wishing I could be with him more

I'll listen to Pomp And Circumstance or some of Beethoven's symphony no 1
And it'll be September
I'll feel the excitement of being in an orchestra for the first time
And playing different music than the kinds I'm used to playing in band
I'll be anxious but eager to see what the new school year will bring

I'll listen to the musical In The Heights
And it'll be December
I'll be feeling kind of depressed
Christmas will be coming too quickly and I won't enjoy it like I used to
And my boyfriend will be away for the holidays, so I won't be able to see him until January
But I'll still enjoy my music, and start to appreciate a lot of the instrumentals in this particular musical

I'll listen to some Twenty Øne Piløts
And it'll be January
A dark, cloudy month: both with the weather and in my mind
Depression and anxiety will be worse than ever
My lover will start to lose interest in me
My mind will be filled with pain and anxiety and horrible thoughts I don't want to remember
I'll feel completely lost in the world
I'll skip class more often
Only TØP's dark-toned music on my headphones will help me to (barely) cope.
Even though a lot of their music brings me back to a very dark time in my life, I still love TØP.

I'll listen to Heathers the musical
And it'll be late February
I'll be violently shaken from my recent breakup,
But still alive (not exactly feeling alive though) and willing to listen to some newer tunes
I'll listen to Heathers for the first time and fall in love with the soundtrack instantly
I'll jam along with Candy Store,
And I'll cry when I listen to Seventeen, wishing that he and I'd had a chance to be seventeen together,
And eventually I'll learn to like Dead Girl Walking

Music is truly a great, magical thing...

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