Roommates And Old Friends

Start from the beginning

"So you could be wrong?" Kara stumbled over her words, a deep glow in her heart burning for (Y/n) to be right. 

"I could be but I'm not."

"I need to clear my head!" Kara suddenly spoke slipping through the window and flying out into the night, the revelation had been extremely unexpected, she had no idea what she should do with the news. 

"She sure does know how to make an exit." (Y/n) laughed before leaned over Alex and running her finger lightly across her cheek. "Listen negative Nelly it's true I believe everyone is fair game before they get married that is just common knowledge but do you know what I would say if someone came up to me and declared they were in love with me do you know what I would say?"

Alex looked up into her (e/c) eyes getting lost in their deepest depths was an easy thing to do, a favorite pleasure of hers. "What would you say?" She whispered harshly her words catching in her throat at the sight of her. 

"I'd say cool but I'm in love with my beautiful, sweet, kind, enchanting, smart, lovable sometimes moody in the morning's girlfriend who has a killer ass and I'd show them the door, politely, of course, I'm not a heartless bitch."

"Even if it was Jane Ramos?" Alex smirked. 

(Y/n) dramatically rolled her eyes from side to side murmuring for effect pretending to think over her decision, Alex laughed pushing her lightly away. 

"I love you, Alex, I shouldn't have to keep saying it but because it's true I will say it all day every day because I love the sound of your name on my tongue."

"Why do you have to hit me with the innuendo right now?" Alex groaned uncomfortably. 

"Just keeping you on your toes."



"I love you, you have no idea how much."


Alex hadn't been all too eager to play tour guide but (Y/n) had convinced her with a big smile and a soft twist of her arm, neither had heard Kara return the night before but when they awoke it was to find Kara sleeping hovering just above them. 

"So this is a super small town." (Y/n) smiled as she looked through the small store. 

"I guess so, you don't really notice until you leave and then come back." 

(Y/n) watched her confused by her sudden quietness, she'd never seen her like this before in all the time she had known her, which admittedly wasn't that long but still, this was new, her eyebrows furrowed together as though she was contemplating something, her dark brown eyes held the potential for a storm. 

She wanted to ask her what was wrong but maybe she was just generally in a bad mood and wouldn't want to dwell on it and make a big deal about it, so instead (Y/n) threaded her arm through hers and placed a soft kiss on her cheek that seemed to thaw her a little. 

"Why are you so uptight today?"

"I'm kinda nervous I guess about meeting someone who knew me, I've never had this before oh Hi this is my girlfriend, and they are shocked."

"Oh that meeting, but you know all the people who are important to you know and support you so what does it matter, they are people who aren't in your life anymore for a reason."

"Hmm, I guess so."

"Do you want me to back off be more friend than a girlfriend."

"What no way!" Alex pulled her closer. "I'm not ashamed of who I am and I'm not ashamed of you, I'm just thinking way too much."

(Y/n) smiled. "Okay."

"OMG Alex, Alex Danvers." Someone called from behind, they both turned around Alex cringing getting ready for the tension to begin, she groaned inwardly when she realized just who it was. 

"It's me Vicki remember."

"Yeah hi Vicki."

"You have seriously changed so much." The woman smiled suddenly noticing (Y/n) she turned her questioning gaze onto her. 

"Hi Alex is seriously bad with introductions, I'm (Y/n)." She smiled, there was no need for explanations that wasn't her place and she didn't want to make Alex feel anymore uncomfortable than she clearly was, she nudged her out of her silence. 

"Oh yeah (Y/n) this is an old friend of mine from high school Vicki Donahue."

"Nice to meet you." She smiled. 

An awkward silence passed between the three women, (Y/n)'s eyes searching for something to latch onto to make the time go faster, so the awkward moment would end. 


"So.." Say something Alex you're killing me here. 

"Are you back in town for the reunion?" The mousy haired woman asked. 


"Yeah, our high school reunion tomorrow night."

"I didn't know, I guess I didn't get the email."

"Oh, so I guess you aren't coming?"

"Err well I mean... I guess not... I'm not here for long it's just a flying visit," Alex spoke anxiously, (Y/n) frowned confused. 

"Well you should come anyway it will be cool to catch up after so long, I gotta go I left my fiance outside he really gets moody when he is kept waiting." She laughed. 

"Oh yeah, I totally know what you mean." (Y/n) laughed with her knowingly. 

"Yeah, your boyfriend the same way?"


"It's me she is talking about me she and I are dating I am a Lesbian we have sex!" Alex suddenly blurted out loudly. 

(Y/n) blushed making Kara envious of just how red her cheeks could turn. "Wow, thanks for broadcasting it loudly Alex." She turned around self consciously seeing the curious eyes on them. 

"Wow okay, so you're Gay."


"And you too." She looked to (Y/n), who furrowed her brows. 

"Hey, I already came out of my closet I'm not standing in another one you know." She protested sometimes she hated the assumption she was something she wasn't, many times in her life her bisexuality had been erased based on who she was dating at the time if she had a boyfriend she was straight and if she had a girlfriend she was a Lesbian despite the fact she had explained until her face turned blue and she had fought for breath that she was always Bi no one understood. 

"So you will come to the reunion?" She asked again. 

Alex looked to (Y/n) looking for an excuse to say no, she knew her girlfriend would not be attending her reunion anytime soon, or in the near future it wasn't her thing she had Lena and that was all she wanted to reminisce about, she thought she would see reluctance instead she saw her smile and nod her head. 

"We'll be there." 

Oh (Y/n) what the hell have you just done, this is going to be very painful!

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