Chapter Nine

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"Okay, I'll admit it. I'm nervous." Omid whispered to Felicitas as they entered the garden of a huge house. It was a big mansion in white stone, the garden was like ten times as big as her apartment and were filled with flowers and bushes Felicitas had never seen before.

"Who even lives here?" She whispered back even though she wasn't sure why they were whispering in the first place.

"Just this rich brat that I went to law school with, he's annoying but hosts amazing parties. This is his parents house." He whispered back and she still wondered why they were whispering, there wasn't anyone around that could hear them.

"What? Isn't he a little too old to live at home?" She giggled, a little tipsy after the bottle of vodka they'd shared on the way here.

"He doesn't live here, he just thinks his house is too small for parties. But let me tell you a secret." Omid giggled as he lowered his voice even more. "His house is like half the size of this house." They paused outside the front door laughing so hard that they could barely breath and hissing "I'm going to pee my pants" in between laughs. Eventually they managed to stop laughing and get inside the house, walking straight to the table with drinks, grabbing a beer each. As they turned around Omid froze and whispered in her ear "that's him" while he looked over at a tall guy, maybe a little taller than her with messy brown hair and blue eyes, his skin was tanned to a degree that he must've been abroad lately or at least been to L.A or Miami.

"Pretty." She whispered back.

"I know right? He's just been to Australia teaching kids how to surf." He half whispered, half sighed.

"Let's go over there." Felicitas said as she hooked her arm in Omid's arm. He tried to resist but she wouldn't let him, she was going to be a wingwoman today and he couldn't stop her. As they reached Will she noticed a beautiful girl beside him, she was short with long light blue hair, trashed fishnet stocking and an oversized t-shirt which was cut into a tank top, it was so big that it worked as a dress. Her thick lips were painted in a dark purple and her brown eyes were to die for. Felicitas realized that she was staring and tried to get a grip on herself, the goal here was to get Will and Omid together.

"Hi, I'm Felicitas." She said, reaching out her hand toward Will. He smiled at her flashing his teeths, they were as Omid's impossibly white. It was getting annoying meeting all these people with perfect teeth, like somehow she'd gotten stuck in a toothpaste commercial.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Will." He greeted her but quickly turned toward Omid. "And you're Omid right?" He continued to look at Omid as he licked his lips.

"Yep, that's me, Omid." He chuckled a little nervously. "Helen, this is my friend Felicitas."

"I keep telling you to call me Hel, you're impossible Omid." She sighed but quickly turned toward Felicitas. "Hello, Felicitas, I love your name. I'm Helen, but please, call me Hel." She smiled and Felicitas felt like she was melting, her legs turning into spaghetti.

"Thanks. Hel is a cool name too." She smiled nervously. "Did you know that Hel was a goddess of death in nordic mythology?" She added rubbing her neck, cursing her mom's love for mythology.

"No I did not." Hel smiled at her, eyes filled with curiosity.

"She's gay, like super duper ultra mega gay." Omid whispered in her ear and pushed her toward Hel. She wasn't ready to get pushed and since she was a little tipsy she stumbled into Hel.

"Oh god, I'm sorry." She said as Hel catched her without a problem.

"No problem. Omid shouldn't be pushing around people just because he wants to bang Will." She answered as Felicitas got her feet on the floor again and took a step back. She just laughed nervously and corrected her shirt.

"I love your outfit." Felicitas said, in an attempt to flirt. She wasn't used to flirting and especially not with a girl.

"Thank you, I just came from a gig so I might smell a little thought." Hel laughed, her laugh sounded like an angel's laugh.

"You play in a band?" Felicitas took a sip from her beer to calm her nerves. "That's cool, what kind of music?"

"Punk ish." She answered, still smiling at Felicitas and her legs felt even more like spaghetti.

"I love punk!" She bursted and it wasn't a lie, though most people didn't believe her when she said she wasn't into pop music, that she preferred metal and punk. "The music here is shit." She added, they were playing techno and to her it was just a bunch of noises, she didn't get the hype at all. Hel agreed and suggested that they'd go outside to talk and get away from the terrible music. They left Omid and Will who didn't even seem to notice and aimed for door on the other side of the room that was propped open. As they got out the cold air hit her face and she shivered a little.

"You want my coat?" Hel asked, holding up her leather jacket.

"Don't you need it?" She asked but Hel just shook her head. "Oh, I'd love to then." She smiled and Hel put the jacket around her shoulders. "Thanks." Felicitas smiled at her. A few meters from the house they found a bench and sat down. They spent the entire party there, talking about everything and nothing, only taking breaks to pee or grab more beer. They had a lot in common and Hel was really nice and easy to talk to. After Felicitas tenth or something beer, her courage level was high enough to kiss Hel. She didn't even think about it, suddenly they were sitting pressed together and her lips were so close to her own that before she knew it she was kissing Hel. It was like fireworks in her belly and they spent god knows how long just making out on the bench. Inside the party died down but the two girls didn't notice, to them the only thing that existed in the world were each other.

"Excuuuse meee" Omid sang from beside them, he was clearly very drunk as he giggled when they looked at him, beside him stood Will swaying back and forth, equally if not even more drunk. "This party is so dead it's buried. Or something. Whatever, some people are on their way to an afterparty, wanna come?" He leaned against Will and they giggled, almost falling over. "Or do you wanna makeout on this bench until you freeze to death?" The girls just sighed and agreed to follow them to the afterparty. It was only a five minute walk from the first party in another huge mansion, though this one was smaller and had a boring garden. Hel and Felicitas danced and kissed for hours until people around them started falling asleep and the music stopped. Hand in hand, laughing, they searched the house for a place to sleep. Eventually they found an empty room with a small couch and they thumped down on it, pressed together, giggling and kissing as they slowly fell asleep.

"I'm glad Will dragged me to this party." Hel whispered into Felicitas hair. "He just wanted to go because he has a crush on Omid."

"Omid dragged me here because of a crush on Will." Felicitas giggled.

"Good thing they've been crushing on each other." Hel giggled back and pressed a kiss on Felicitas' neck. Hel fell asleep before Felicitas and she watched her sleep with tired eyes as the sun started to rise outside. When her eyes hurt too much to stay awake she closed her eyes.

It was amazing how life could change so much in such a short amount of time, she thought as she pressed a soft kiss on Hel's forehead before finally falling asleep, pressed together with an amazing and the hottest girl she'd ever seen. And it all started with meeting the right person, meeting someone who would tell her about bisexuality without being dismissing of it. Without Omid she feared that she would've spent her entire life in denial, unknowingly missing the chance of love. 

AN: That's the end of this story,  hope you liked it. Don't forget to share, vote and comment. It means a lot. Hopefully I'll see on my next story <3 

Spectrum Of A Rainbow ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora