Chapter Three

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Felicitas and Omid walked slowly, she didn't feel the need to rush now that she'd escaped the thing that caused her pain. They had nice smalltalk, laughing about how Omid lied about having early work because he didn't want to be a third wheel. She really enjoyed Omid's company, he was really nice and funny.

"Can I ask you something?" Omid says, his tone changing to a more serious tone. Felicitas were a little surprised and caught of guard.

"Uh, yeah, sure." She said, her voice a little shaky.

"You're in love with Rachel, right?" He said, she thought he was joking but he kept a straight face and he did sound serious.

"What?" She said, really confused. "No. Absolutely not." She said when Omid remained silent and shook her head making her ponytail whip behind her.

"It's okay if you are, I'm not judging." Omid said calmly, keeping his hands in his pockets.

"Yes, of course it would be okay if I were, otherwise you'd be an asshole. But I'm not in love with Rachel." She continued to argue and again he was silent for too long. "I'm straight and Rachel is a girl so I do not have romantic feelings for her. Okay?"

"Okay, if you say so." Omid didn't want to argue about it, he just felt the need to ask and Felicitas were clearly getting upset.

"Can I just ask you one thing before we drop the subject?" Felicitas asks, looking down at her black boots.

"Of course." He answers still with a calm voice and hands in his pockets.

"Why did you think that I was in love with her?" She asks, swallowing hard. "I'm just curious." She added quickly, shrugging her shoulders.

"Oh, it's just the way you look at her as if she's the most perfect thing you've ever seen." He shrugged. "And then there's the way you look at Josef, like he's the worst person in the entire world and constantly looked away when they did something even slightly romantic."

"You saw all of that during one dinner?" She asked, surprised that he seemed to have noticed things she wasn't aware of doing.

"I work as a lawyer, it's my job to be observant." He smiled, showing off those ridiculously white teeth. She nodded and they continued their smalltalk the last minute of the walk to her apartment complex. Before saying goodbye, they decided to exchange phone numbers, though not to keep dating but to be friends. Omid was nice and easy to talk to and even though he was good looking, there wasn't that spark between them. There were also the fact that Omid was sure Felicitas had a huge crush on Rachel and who would want to date someone who had a crush on another person? Not Omid, he wasn't polyamorous, he tried that once with this girl he really loved but I didn't work for him.

Despite Felicitas laughing about Omid ridiculous thought that she was in love with Rachel and insisting both to him and herself that she wasn't, she had a hard time falling asleep when she got home. She was really tired but she couldn't stop tossing and turning, thoughts about her conversation with Omid plagued her mind. There was no way that she looked at Rachel like that? Like she was the definition of perfection? He must've read too much into it. Though doesn't he read people for a living? But she wasn't a criminal, she hadn't done anything illegal or wrong. She just cared about a friend who was with someone she didn't like, someone who didn't deserve her. That was what Omid had seen but interpreted as Felicitas being in love, since Josef was his friend he obviously liked him and wouldn't think about that she didn't. That was the reason he'd interpreted the situation wrong. When this conclusion about the evenings events didn't calm her down and brought her to sleep, she picked up her phone from her nightstand. Sending a quick text message to Felix to see if he wanted to meet up tomorrow at their favorite café to talk. She just hoped that he didn't have classes too late so he'd have time before her shift. It was a struggle to find time to see each other when Felicitas worked nights and he had classes during the day. To her surprise Felix answered, he usually fell asleep early and went up early, he'd always been a morning person in contrary to Felicitas.

Of course I want to meet you silly. I need to know how that double date went. 12pm?

She sighed a little, of course he wanted some gossip from her date. Which he would get but not the kind he expected.

Works for me :) Goodnight <3

She answered with a little smile, it took a minute before she got a response.

See you then! :) gn <3

She smiled as she put away her phone, she was so lucky to have a friend like Felix, someone she could always count on. Despite the happiness he brought her, she still spent at least an hour staring at the ceiling her mind buzzing with thoughts. 

AN: Comment, vote, share and I'll see you tomorrow <3  

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