Part 15- Blind Trust

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I couldn't take this anymore. It was annoying to lie to this dense walnut. I guess I have only one option. Bite myself with my truth serum. Here we go, I guess.

I felt my fangs pierce my lips, feeling the familiar holes where they would normally go. I felt my mind, or what I had of it, relax and die down. I am a trait of truth with this serum. No one needs to know that, though. As I opened my eyes, I saw Logan staring at me in awe. Of course, it's been a while since he has seen Truth, with him being dead and everything. "I am a Neutral Trait." I say, confidently as ever.

Logan stepped back, pulling out his weapon again. Motioning for him to stop, I start to ramble. " Logan, please don't draw your weapon on me. I'm telling the truth! Don't you recognize me? Truth? Deceit is still there but right now I am Truth, or so I think so. Logan, please gain your levelheadedness again so I can explain this to you."

Still alarmed, Logan cautiously put his bow back on his back. But now he looked... curious? Oh god, what was he going to ask? My anxiety peaking, Logan started walking towards me, taking my face in his hands and examining me. I knew that my scales were going away. I knew that my eyes were turning white. I knew I was turning. But I brushed Logan off. It didn't matter what he thought, what he needed was to find Patton. What I needed was for him to find Patton.

I can't understand. He couldn't be Truth. The embodiment of Truth left forever ago, leaving Deceit in his place. Just, logically, it didn't make sense. I grabbed his face, grasping for something concrete that could disprove that he was telling the Truth. But all I saw was fading scales and eyes turning white. Just like Truth. He shoved me away, whoever he was at this point, and started moving back towards the door, which was actually there. He opened it, gesturing me towards it.

"Look, I just want to go back to my normal life, Logan. Everyone needs Patton back. Including me. Now, come on. We don't need to waste time being logical."

I stared for a moment before nodding. He was trying to be helpful, I wasn't going to deny it. That just wouldn't be logical. I started walking towards the door, staring at his pale iris. Truth had the same eyes. Why would he be Truth?

Would he ever figure out that I was Truth?

I'm so sorry. I had to. I love this sorta stuff. Kill me. Sorry about not updating for a while...

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