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"Bullseye!" I shouted, hands in the air. "Fucking bullseye!"

Kidd and Oz stood up, bringing the shots up and downed them.

"This guy is on fire," Kidd admitted. He pulled the darts from the board and took the spot next to me. "But that doesn't mean I won't take you down."

I shook my head taking a swig of my beer. I looked around the bar, all the woman, all their eyes on the three of us. I knew I could have any of them, but it did nothing for me knowing what I had. What I still wanted.

"Bullseye, motherfucker!" Kidd jumped on my back, yanking my baseball hat off, he sent it flying into the crowd.

I ran a hand through my hair and took the shot Oz had in his hand. I handed it over and Oz handed me another one. I threw my head back wincing. "God damn."

"Feels good right?" Oz asked. "For once you are letting loose."

"What are you talking about I do all the time," I insisted. I took the darts from Kidd's hands and took my turn. The board danced around—two of them daring me to make the shot. I bumped into Kidd. And he pushed me away. I closed one eye, but there was still two. I aimed, cocked back and let the dart fly.

A sharp squeal cut through the chaos of bar patrons. "Fuck!"

"Oh shit," Oz jumped from his bar stool. "You just nailed that chick in her ass."

Her dark hair shielded her face. Her and her friend studied the dart in her ass cheek. "What do I do?"

"I don't know that looks bad," the blonde said, chewing on her thumbnail. "Should I call 911?"

"No, no, no... ladies we will take care of it," Oz promised. He stepped up, I just stood there. Her hair fell out of the way giving way to green eyes. I wasn't sure if I was drunk or if she really looked like Hope. Minus the green eyes.

"Well hurry because I think I am going to pass out," her blonde friend took her by elbow and guided her toward the bathroom.

I followed Oz.

"He's really sorry about this," Oz kneeled down studying her ass. "Aren't ya, Slade?"

She looked at me and I nodded.

The blonde turned to face me, her eyes lit up. "You're the lead singer of Evil Kings of Ink!" She slapped me.

"Ava, worry more about the dart and less about who he is," the girl with the brown hair said.

Oz hopped up. "Okay. Hands against the wall like you're about to be strip searched." She did as he asked. Oz looked at me. "Slade help her out."

I couldn't believe he was asking me to take a dart out of someone's ass. I stepped forward and pressed a hand against her ass cheek. Flashes of light all around to document another stupid decision on my part. I yanked the dart loose and she spun around.

"Thank you so much," she extended her hand. "I never thought I would meet someone famous while having a dart stuck in my ass." She grinned.

"You okay?" I dropped my gaze lower.

She nodded. "Yes. But I think you owe me a drink."

Oz was next to me, he slung an arm around my shoulder. "Let's get her a drink. It's the least you can do after nailing her in the ass with that dart."

The blonde nodded.

"What's your name girls?"

"This is Ava. And I'm Libby." She smirked, green eyes settling on me again.

Hollow Magic,  Book 7 in the Ink SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now