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next wednesday

Liam: heeeeyy

Zayn: hi :)

Liam: soooo umm i was thinking

Zayn: ??? what were you thinking

Liam: ummm we can like go out? like together? because umm i really like you and i want you to be my boyfriend

Zayn: it would be an honor to be your boyfriend liam payne

Liam: :)))))

Liam: now i can properly take you out and fuck you 💖

Zayn: liam!!!

Liam: what

Zayn: that was a little forward

Liam: yea you're right but it's the truth. i want to be the reason why you moan and crave to be fucked.

Zayn: 😅😅

Zayn: im with family

Liam: so what? that won't stop me from taking you on. grab you from your hips and bend you over to do my ever desire.


Liam: just the perks of dating me :)

Zayn: not like i haven't dated you before

Liam: but this time, we're playing by MY rules and i think you'll enjoy it

Zayn: ohmygod i need to get out of this relationship

Liam: what? can't handle it? :)

Zayn: ...... you know what, yes okay. fine. i can handle it. i'll take you on payne.

Liam: but first let's take things slow before we have sex because we need to go through the normal stages of a relationship

Zayn: you get me all riled up to get dicked down and you just decide it's okay for us to be celibate for who knows how long? 😤

Liam: :)

Zayn: i fucking hate you

Liam: love you too 💋

read at 6:34pm

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