+ suga fake love fan art / computer sitch +

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So I've been really working on art this week idk, and tried to do digital and produced this hehe. I was planning on doing a full coloring and illustration but there's a singular issue that has arisen.
My computer.
It has to be sent into Apple to get fixed which a) costs hella money and b) will completely erase all my files, programs, everything. So I'll probably close this after this, though very few people are requesting (though I have one or two to check out hehe)
There's been something wrong with its battery and recently the screen had some sort of damage (this)

So I'm getting it fixed cos I need it to last the trip of life, esp college My genius, whose name is Lance and isn't some deranged sexy stalker (referencing my story Catastrophic Consequences here hehe ;)) told me all my files are gonna get delete...

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So I'm getting it fixed cos I need it to last the trip of life, esp college
My genius, whose name is Lance and isn't some deranged sexy stalker (referencing my story Catastrophic Consequences here hehe ;)) told me all my files are gonna get deleted so I'm just gonna post this since it's probably gonna be a while before I can color it
Anywho, this is a line art piece based of Suga from BTS from their recent Fake Love video and the 1st teaser I believe. It is when the boys are offering things to the masked figure and in return Suga received a lollipop. I just found that really interesting and appealing so I drew something for it.
I worry too much about being super realistic with my pieces, esp digitally, but idc anymore I'm just tryna prosper at this point
Anywho, I really like this, hope y'all do too

 I worry too much about being super realistic with my pieces, esp digitally, but idc anymore I'm just tryna prosper at this point Anywho, I really like this, hope y'all do too

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