+ forget me not by punexpected (brilliant username) +

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Title: Forget Me Not


Author: Zoe Ehrensberger

 Mood: Lost, questioning, a bit of sadness, unsure

Color Scheme: blues, blues, blues (preferably)

 Brief Summary: Ella was in a car accident and it gave her amnesia which means she can't remember her friends, family and events prior to the accident. As she learns of secrets that her friends and family wished that she had forgot and discovers more and more about the kind of person she used to be, Ella realizes that she doesn't want to be that girl anymore, and her friends and family struggle to accept that.

Ideas: 1.) A close up of a girls face, her expression blank with a simple title, 2.) A close up of a girls face, it being blurred out, 3.) Here's an idea that's more manipulative; a girl, possibly with her face turned away or her expression blank or serious, at the center of the cover surrounded by stars or flowers and other textures

Images: I have a cover that can provide as inspiration, but I'm on my phone right now, so I'll comment the link as soon as possible!

i honestly dont know what happened today, maybe it's the medication ive been taking or the lack of energy but these don't necessarily follow your form or what you wanted and im sorry, i just really was trying to be creative and professional and i failed... twice. u don't have to use these (u probably won't) but if u will pls complete the payment and reply

 u don't have to use these (u probably won't) but if u will pls complete the payment and reply

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