The Chronicles Of Suffering

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Normila Imagine

Deep shit. Deep shit was what Normani was in. You see she had just realized that for the past 4 months that this "small friend crush" that she had on this vivacious Latina in her drama class was much more than that of a friend crush.

It started off slow and virtually harmless. Why she even remembers telling her close friend from choir, Solana, about how she had a silly little infatuation for one of her acquaintances in drama. 

"Yeah I think I might have a crush on Camila." The dancer whispered to her not-so-openly-bisexual best friend in the back of the classroom while their teacher was showing them some boring documentary that had nothing to do with literature.

The freckled girl turned to Normani in cautious surprise. She couldn't have heard that. Normani was straight...right?

"Are you sure, Mani? I mean, obviously I'd support you but...don't speak too soon before you know." She patted the confused girl on the shoulder and turned back to the movie.

Normani quickly decided what she did was a very bad idea. She can't go around telling people that she might be slightly kinda sort of attracted to girls. Because before you know it, the whole class knows, then the whole school knows, then her family knows, then the whole world knows and that could potentially ruin her chances of ever starting up a career in the entertainment industry.

It was already going to be difficult enough for her to get a footing in the singer-songwriter world with her being a dark skin woman. She didn't want to make it any more difficult for herself by coming out as bisexual...or something. Normani knows that although everyone talks a big game about being accepting of sexuality in Hollywood or what not, they still want someone they can sell an image with with other straight artists. Normani thinks ahead like that. She always thinks ahead.

Normani turned back to her friend and assured her it was all in her head and that she had been reading too much into it and she didn't know what she was thinking before.

So she stored the possibility of her liking women in the back of her head. Days, weeks, and eventually months passed and still this was a problem for her.

Luckily enough, summer was coming up. All she had to do was ignore her attractions for Camila until she made it to the two month break away from the awe striking girl.

Well. Things didn't go as planned. They do say distance makes the heart grow fonder, right? As you can imagine, the crush only got worse.

In fact, when Normani saw Camila at the annual kickball game for their drama class wearing that blue jersey that made the Cuban look irresistible, she realized that she was indeed NOT straight.

Shortly after the kickball game took place, school was back in session and Normani was ready to woo the girl over. Well until she saw Camila with him. Him as in the new addition to the advanced drama class. Him as in Shawn.

From Normani's understanding, Shawn had a past of questioning sexuality, unlike Camila who was a loud and proud bisexual. Somehow the two went together. And unsurprisingly enough, everyone found out they were a couple just weeks after the first day of school.

Although Normani swore she caught the brunette staring at her a couple times, she decided that there was no use in pining over someone who's already taken. She didn't want to torture herself any further, after all.

So the school year progressed, Normani and Camila got much closer, as friends of course,
& Normani's feelings diminished...eventually.

It wasn't until March, in the dressing room during one of their schools productions of Spring Awakening, that the pair had one of their more raw and closer conversations.

Seeing as the two were just extras in the show and had quite a while till they were one for another scene, they figured why not use this time to have some real talk. Talk about gossip, relationships, insecurities, feelings...

The conversation was something along the lines of:

"So what's going on with you and Shawn? Are you guys broken up or.." The slightly older girl trailed off, afraid that she would tick off the short tempered girl. She didn't want to upset her but the couple had broken up a couple weeks ago and from the looks of it, it was an emotional break up. But then days later it seemed like the two were fine and dandy and were the best of pals. This confused Normani and her nosy self just wanted to get to the bottom of it.

"Yeah we're broken up. He's taking it kind of rough though. Like every time we walk I'm like 'yeah I appreciate our friendship' and he's all like 'I love you' so that's kinda awkward." She let out, covering up her uneasiness with an amused laugh like she always did.

"Oh that's uh...kinda uncomfortable." Normani didn't know exactly how to respond to that seeing as she had never experienced something like this.

"Yeah it's not awesome. But what's up with you? Any interests?" Camila asked.

"Oh no. None at all actually. The last time I had a crush it lasted for 8 excruciating months and I honestly don't want to relive that." Normani laughed light heartedly. The crush was over and she was able to make jokes about it now in front of the very person she was talking about having feelings for. Although had you asked her a couple months prior, it'd be a completely different story.

Camila turned to her with a comedically pitiful expression. "Damn sis, who was it?"

The moment those words left the olive skinned girls perfect plump lips, Normani knew she was going to fess up. She had already gone to Camila's closest friends who the dark skinned girl was already close with herself and admitted her feelings for their bestie and they both instructed her that she should just tell the girl. That she'd take it as a huge compliment and wouldn't make it weird at all. And Normani did want to get this weight off her shoulders and just let the girl know. But not for any other reason than personal satisfaction of course. Normani didn't care if Camila ever felt the same. She was over it. Yeah, she was over it.

So her mind was made up and before she could even stop herself she said,

"It was you."


Ok, honestly that wasn't even good LMAO but i just wanted to get this story posted. there's already a part 2 i wanna write for this but uhhhh me being productive ish? who am i

anyways i'm still trynna figure out how to write things that aren't lyrics and have them make sense if that makes sense,, anyways thx for reading shsjsjsj

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