Min Yoongi

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Chapter 1: Min Yoongi
(Yoongi p.o.v.)

It was 11 pm on a Thursday when I  left the house. But I couldn't care less. Finally out of this small flat. Finally fresh air.

As soon as I came out of school this afternoon my father started screaming at me. Of course he had drunk too much again. The air in our little flat was humid and it smelled horribly. I just wanted to open a window. A reason for my father to scream at me even though he was unable to say hello a minute before.

I had to do some homework and then left grocery shopping and later cooking. Without me my father would probably be dead in a week.

I slowly start walking down the street. I don't have any destination, just away from home. I light up a cigarette and inhale the smoke. It instantly calms me down. I close my eyes for a second and listen to the silence surrounding me. This is why I love the night. Everything is calm. No one to scream at you, no one whispering about you, just you, alone and in peace.

I continue strolling around the city. I come across a bridge and stop there, sitting down on the railing and look down into the black water. I am not scared about the height. It thrills me to be this close to death. One small movement and I am gone.

I already thought multiple times about doing exactly this, but in the end I stayed. Also this night is not the night I leave.

I look up at the sky. It was a clear night. Thousand stars can be seen. The life of stars is a bit sad in my opinion. The light we see of them takes long to travel. When we see it the star is already dead. They only get attention after their death. But isn't it the same with humans? After we die we get the most attention.

A lot of people also believe that the stars are the souls of dead people. My mother believed in this, too. I wonder whether she is also up there now. Is she one of the stars I can see right now? When she looks down on me, what does she think? Does she only see the teenage boy who acts up with smoking and staying out late? Or does she see the real me?

Is there even a real me? I sigh. Those thoughts often last for the whole night. But sitting here all alone with my thoughts is a thousand times better than being at home with my dad.

I look at my clock. It is already 2 am. I should probably head home and try to get a little bit of sleep. I swing my legs over the railing and jump back onto the bridge.

I smoke one last cigarette on my way home. Hopefully my father is asleep when I get there.


I am not really happy with this chapter, but I also don't want to completly rewrite it
So I just hope the next ones will be better xD

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