"Thankyou so much, Harper. You don't know how much this means to me." She stiffened for a second, but then relaxed, wrapping her arms around me, returning the hug.

"All right, you two." I focused my attention on a teary eyed mother. "Time to get ready, wear something nice."

"Wait, where are we going?"

She hesitated, hands figiting nervously. "I talked to the Alpha last night, David Beustezza."

My eyes widened, throat going dry. Today's judgement day. I tightened my hold on Harper, kissing the top of her head and rocking back and forth.

"He wants to meet with us at the pack house." She points a shakey finger out the window, only to reveal a giant mansion hiding behind the trees, right across the street.

My lips part, stunned at the monsterous structure. The roof is a charcoal color, coming up in points. Light grey, big windows scatter along the front, decorating the darker grey brick-like walls. An archway on the side marks the way in. Most of the house I cannot see because of the woods, but what I could is amazing.

"How did I not notice before..." I give a gentle push on Harper's back, signalling for her to go upstairs. I clear my dry throat. "Mom..."

She seemingly snaps back into reality, quickly wiping tears from her eyes. "Just go get dresssed, Taylor, we leave in an hour." I watch with worry as she pulls her robe around her frail body, then goes back to cleaning.

Sighing, I go up in my room, locking the door behind me. I slide on blue skinny jeans, a pink long sleeve shirt, with a gold necklace, and brown knee high boots. I brush through my wavy black hair, then put on blush and mascara, not really needing much.

45 agonizingly suspensful minutes later, all three of us were trudging up the front steps to the door. I jump when my mom pushes the doorbell, hearing a loud ringing sound and grab Harper's hand, squeezing it.

The giant door slowly opens, revealing a middle aged woman. A smile tugged at my lips, seeing her beaming grin as she welcomed us in. I admired her long dirty blong hair, and piercing blue eyes. She really was stunning.

"Hello, Marks family! I'm Jaime Beustezza, Lunaof the pack." We bowed our heads, a sign of respect. Jaime babbled on about the pack as we entered a surprisingly colorful living room. Several people chatting stopped to look at us, I turned my head, not wanting to look any in the eye. "Sit, sit! I'll go fetch some refreshments." With a warm smile, she disappeared into what I suppose is the kitchen and couldn't help but raise my hopes a little more.

When a man entered, everyone bowed, and we followed. The man was very handsom, and looked strong, you could feel the power radiating off of him. He had dark brown hair, intimidating brown eyes, and naturally tanned skin, the opposite of Jaime.

"Good morning, Addy, Taylor, and Harper Marks! And welcome to our home!" We nod, silently thanking him, but none of us looking him in the eyes, all of us too afraid. "I'm David Beustezza, Alpha. I noticed that you have met my wonderful wife, Jaime." A pause. "This is my Beta, Jack." David pats a guy with light brown hair on the back. "And this, this is my son Cameron, next Alpha of the pack." A boy-no, a man- walks up behind David as he slings an arm around his son's should playfully. David is handsome, don't get me wrong, but there's something about Cameron, he's striking. A mix of his parents. He has flawless lightly tanned skin, with dirty blond hair and amazing grey eyes. It's safe t say he's very hot. Sexy. Wearing a dark blue button up shirt, folded up to his elbows, it outlines the obvious 6-pack underneath. Jeans, ride low. My jaw hangs open as I admire his good looks. I slowly rake my eyes up Cameron's delicious body to see him smirking at me, a knowing look in his eyes and I quickly snap my head away, cheeks flaming. I see David glance between me and his son, a smile tugging at his lips. What?

"I..." Everyone stops to listen as David stares at Harper. I feel the need to jump in front of her, protect her. "....also have a nephew, his name is Daniel." A boy around Harper's age steps up beside Cameron. He seems shy, trying to hide his cute blond hair with brown eyes behind Cameron.

"Say hi, Daniel." A shiver creeps up my spine when Cameron talks. Why does he make me feel like this? Not able to answer any of my questions, I get up to use the bathroom.

"Excuse me, Mrs. Beustezza, where's the bathroom?" I squeak out, not sure if I really should be speaking to her.

She just smiles sympathetically at me, "Down the hall the third door on the right." I nod my head and exit the living room. Stepping out into the hall, I let out a shakey breath, a sigh of relief, and run a hand through my hair. Jeez, how long is this hallway? I slowly walk, observing paintings of what I assume are family members. It feels like I'm in a castle.

I hear something growl behind me, and stumble around. "Mine." There it is again! Running my hands along the walls, trying not to fall, as I continue to stare into darkness. Brows knitted together, I listen. "Mine!" This time I stumble back around, running in the dark hall in front of me. My heart rate picks up as I hear footsteps behind me. They're following me! Panicing, I make a run for the door, but it's too late.

My petite body gets slammed onto the wall as giant hands hold my arms above my head. A whimper escapes my lips, and I turn to the side, shutting my eyes tight.

"Open your eyes, Taylor." His husky voice whispers in my ear, making my spine shutter. "Open your eyes, Taylor, I won't hurt you." Reluctantly, I force my eyes open, slowly turn my head to face his gaze.

"C-C-Cameron?" His hands tighten around my wrists when I say his name.

"Don't run away from me again, okay?" He tilts his head to the side, a playful smile on his lips.


"Good..." He bends his head closer, making me flinch. "I said I won't hurt you!"

Ignoring him, "D-Do you think your f-father will let us s-stay?" I stitter under his gaze.

"He has to..." Cameron responds distracted, tracing his nose along my jawline.


"Cause, you're mine. And it wouldn't be smart of him to take you away from me." Another growl escapes his lips when I struggle in his grip.

I swollow the lump gathering in my throat. "W-W-What?" I don't understand? What does he mean 'you're mine'?

He scowls, looking genually sad, "You don't know?"

"Know what?" I look at him, confusion in my eyes.

"We're mates." He says simply and smiles. His hands release mine, and slide down to my waist, leaving a trail of heat.

"What...uh..." I push his arms away, stumbling back down the hallway.

"I'll pick you up for school tomorrow! 7 o'clock sharp!" Cameron shouts after me, sounding pleased.



Picture of Cameron---->

Hot Right?

Anyway, COMMENT and VOTE!!!

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