I miss you😂😂

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K: a hahah I know maddie

J: I already miss you!!!! When are you coming back!!!!

K:shh! Quiet jack, johnny is resting and I am watching over him okay? Just keep your voices low, I don't want him on wake up

M: got busted jack!!!

K: shhh!

M: sorry

K: I don't know when jack. But I promise I will be home in no time, I just need to watch over Johnny for a couple of days okay?

J: a couple of days? Mack you are supposed to be here at your house by tomorrow for some of your L.A friends to visit both of you and Maddie. and your just gonna pass that promise?

K: jack I'm sorry.. Lauren trusted me to watch over John, and I need to incase something might happen again.. Remember this is also my fault. I made this to Johnny and I need to repay him by taking care of him..

M: we understand kenzie, guess we'll visit both of you and Johnny tomorrow then?

K: sure mads

J: I don't trust that Johnny to you kenzie.. Dont mind me, your like my sister already, okay? I have the right to say those words because I'm worried about you.

M: jack, kenzie will be okay. Dont worry as long as that Johnny boy can be trusted kenzie might be his girlfriend

K: we're not dating yet Maddie 😅😐

M: oh really? Then why do you sound like you want to..?😂😂

J: okay now, Maddie. I'm kinda sleepy now, can I sleep at your bed?

M: yeah sure jack.. I'll take it from here

K: I can't believe both of you are sleeping in one bed😂😂

M: don't make it sound like you want it too kenz,

K: well at least mom trusted jack to watch over us right?

M: yep, but seriously kenz, I just miss you so much, like super. I wish I could hug you right now

K: don't worry Mads, you will tomorrow. But right now I need to watch over my patient and take care of him.

M: ahahaha I know he can trust you with that kenz..

M: *yawns* I'm kinda sleepy now gotta go kenz-kenz. Love you, night☺

K: night Mads.. Love you too. see you tomorrow

M: see yah!!

End of video chat

Humming some music

"Isin't it lovely.. All alone? I gently hummed while I was scrolling down my social media

I love it when the whole place is quiet always reminds me of something but cant remember it. 😑


I think I'm really into Johnny now.. Wait, I shouldn't I don't even know him fully.. But.. I guess through all of our adventures for the week, I guess thats enough.

Finally I started to feel a lot sleepy now and drifted off..

The next morning..

I woke up and saw Johnny watching TV on his bed..

"Morning princess.. What took you so long to wake up? It's currently 10 in the morning" He questioned me

"Wait what? Did I just over slept?!" I said as I widen my eyes and made Johnny laugh

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