3>>Nice to meet you!!

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Mackenzie's point of view:

"Who?"i asked

"Lauren!!"the guy yelled again causing him to walk towards us

"Do you want to hand over my things now or will i tell mom?! "he said

"John, chill. Your yelling at me infront of my friend" she said while wispering the "friend" part.


"Uhmm hi...i'm mackenzie, mackenzie ziegler" i said breaking the silence showing a smile on my face

"H-hii.."he replied

Johnny's pov:

"H-hii..." i replied

What am i doing? Why am i starting to blush once i saw her smile..?

"Are you emberassed john? Your cheek is getting red..OR!! Is there something else..? "lauren said as she gave me a suspicious look

Gosh!! Why does lauren know me so well..

"What? no i'm not.."i said with a duh tone

"Okay if you say so john"she replied


"Well aren't you gonna introduce yourself to mack?"she questioned

"Of course i will....Hi i'm johnny, johnny vincent orlando.."i said giving mackenzie a big smile preparing to shake her hand

"Uhmm nice to meet you johnny" she said as she smiled and shaked my hand

"Welcome to the neighborhood"i added

"Thanks"she replied

"Well i gotta go now..nice meeting you two..see yah..in a bit"she smiled and walk off

"Bye.." lauren yelled waving goodbye

"Bye"i wispered

"Bye guys" she waved goodbye

Mackenzie's pov:

"Are they new too?"maddie asked

"Nope..just our neighbors next door" i replied scrolling down my phone

"Is that boy her brother..?"she asked

"Uhmm yeah.." i said

"He is handsome isin't he..?"she questioned me with a suspicious smile

"Maddie i swear .."

"What? I'm just asking.. UNLESS.. you think what i meant was.."she paused

"you have a crush on him!! don't you?" She said in shock

"Are you serious..? No!!" I yelled

She gave me another suspicious look

"you haven't answered my question yet.." she said with a big smile

"*sigh* fine!! He is handsome..very handsome.."i said blushing


"Quit it mad.."i said

"Alright, alright....and we're here!!" She said in joy

Once we entered starbucks i immedietly sat down while maddie was ordering our drinks...

While waiting i decided to check on my phone and wow!! A message from...an unkown number..?

Text convo:


M:uhmm who's this..?
M:what took you so Long to reply?
J:chill mack..it's johnny😂😆😆
M:😑😑 you scared me john😂😂
J:ahahah surprise!!
M: how did you get my number..?
J: well lauren gave it to me for no reason..so i decided to text you instead😂😂😆
M:hahahahha nice move john🤣😂

After a minuet or two..a guy entered starbucks with two boys and one girl..one boy has dark brown hair same hair color as johnny's...and the other has blonde hair. The girl has the same color as with lauren too🤣😂

The 2 boys and 1 girl sat down just across of my table while the other orders the drink..

After that maddie came to the table with the drinks on her hands..

"Here you go mack" she handed me my drink

"Thanks mad" i replied

After then... the guy called the girl's name but little did i know...it's JOHNNY!!

"Lauren!!what drinks do you want?"he asked

And lauren is here too?!

"I'll be back guys.."she told the 2 guys

" I want 2 frappuccinos any flavor will do" she smiled and headed back to her seat..

15 minuets later

"Mack, mom just texted me and said jack's at home...wanna go home now?maddie asked

"Nah, i'll just stay here a little bit longer mad..you can go if you want too"i responded

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah i'm sure mad"i replied

"Okay then see yah back at home mack"she stands up and gives me a hug

"See yah too mad"i said

She left

I'm bored..i'll just text johnny instead.

Text convo:

M:hello again johnny😂🤣
J:hi mackenzie...i see your pretty bored right now huh?
M: yeah i am- wait how did you know?😂
J:oh please mackenzie, i can clearly see you right across of the table🤣😑😎
M:ahahaah your at starbucks huh?
J:obviously😂😑 want us to sit with you?
M:i dont know i'm about to leave any minute now  so nah..😎😂

As soon as i was about to open the door, john and his friends opened it for me instead

"We're heading home too"john says with a huge smile...

"Hii!! I'm hayden and he's carson"hayden says with a smile

"We're johnny's friends"carson added

"Nice to meet you guys..i'm-"

"Mackenzie"they both interrupted

"Ahahaha yeah" i laughed

"Were now heading home john..see yah bro"hayden said with a hug

"Bye john" carson said with a fist pump

"Bye"john responded

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