28> You cant just run on things

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Johnny's POV:

I ended up waking around 5 am ..

I saw Lauren cry last night and I don't know why. She hasn't come out of her room ever since, she didn't even replied my message to her last night.

I started waking towards her room and opened her door quietly. I ended up seeing tissue papers all over her room, she was sleeping in her bed with her face still red, her hair in a mess and her pillow wet from her tears. She was sniffing instead of snoring. I decided to pick up all the tissue papers then decided to brush her hair..

Did she slept late?

I pull the covers towards her shoulder and left her room

It was still early,  that the house was still quiet, I was the only one up. I decide to make breakfast for myself, pancakes and orange juice sounds good. I grabbed the pancake mix from the higher cabinet then grabbed the mixing bowl and wisk from the lower cabinet.

I was already mixing the pancake mix with water when suddenly I forgot to get the milk. I turned around and grabbed the milk from the fridge just across the room.

"I do hope Lauren is okay" I said to myself

Then I remembered, today is the special day


"I hope the plan will work" I said to myself

I grabbed my phone then started to check on my socials.  I DMed the guys so that they'll know that the plan is happening today.

Wait, is Avery active?

I saw her icon pop up saying she is active..

"Maybe inviting her will be fun" I said to myself

I pressed her icon, and started to DM her that there will be a party this morning.

"And who's party is it? " She asked

I went silent for a while,  I can't tell Avery that the party is about a girl she doesn't even know.

"It's my relative's party, I'm sure they still remembered you. And plus it will be awesome having you around" I lied

"Oh, okay. I'll come then. I'll see you around 5pm" She replied and I left her on seen

I poured the milk to the mixture and continued making them.

Once I was done, I grabbed my plate from the table and found Lauren standing while rubbing her eyes..

Her eyes were swollen, they were so red. I can tell she hasn't stop crying the whole night.

"Hey Lauren, how'd you slept last night? " I asked

She didn't bother to answer, she looked at me then tears were forming from her eyes. A tear drop fell then she decided to avoid making eye contact with me.

She walled out of the kitchen then went back to her room.

"Why was she crying when she saw me? " I asked myself

I stared at the stairs for a while, why was she crying?

I skipped breakfast and decided to bring it to her room..

I knocked at the door, but no response. I gently opened it again,  revealing Lauren sitting in her bed while looking at her window..

Once she saw me, she turned around so that her back was facing on me.

"Hey, sis" I said as I placed the tray at her side table

I heard her sniff, she didnt move a muscle, is she mad at me?

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