7>>It's just a bad dream

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Johnny's pov:

I woke up in my room.. alone..
everything seems to be all black

"Kenzie?!"i yelled

"Lauren?!"i yelled again

All i can hear are my echoes everywhere.suddenly there's this light person who brightens the room i lend that person the flashlight and it shows me its face...MARK!!

"Hi johnny..you seem scared.."he said with his eyes looking at me after then i realized i was in a chair tied up

"Where's kenzie?!...where's lauren?!"i yelled at him for an answer.

"Oh don't worry lauren is safe.."he said with his evil smirk

"But kenzie is here to join"he added

After then a bright light from above opens across the room and saw a person covered in black felt..

"Here's your little kenzieboo johnny!!"he laughed revealing a girl tied up in a chair with her mouth tied up with a towel...KENZIE!!!!

"KENZIE!!"I yelled forming tears in my eyes...

"Johnny!!"she screamed

"Mark let her go!!"i yelled to him trying to get out

"Oh don't worry, i won't johnny"he said right after then he let out a gun and pointed to mackenzie's head

"No!!"i yelled and started to cry even harder..

"You're mine kenzie and will always be"he reaches for her lips for him to kiss her

"No!!"i yelled again

"I won't ever mark!!!never!!!!"she spits out her words and pissed mark out...

"You wanna play it this way huh? Well.. glad you've asked for it"he pointed the gun again and..he shot her!!

Then...he vanished

Mackenzie fell on the ground once the chair vanished and i ran towards her...

"KENZIE..."i said as i touched her cheek

"Kenzie..kenzie it's john..kenzie, KENZIE!!"I said as i repeat her name over and over again


"Kenzie.. i-i'm sorry...how can i get you this far..?"i questioned myself and started crying again..

"John.."right after then she started vanishing..

"John..wake up..wake up john..wake up" echoes flows in my head as i started waking to reality

"KENZIE!!!"I screamed her name over and over again

As soon as i shouted, kenzie ran to the room trying to wake me up from this nightmare...

"John..john wake up"she said while shakig me

"KENZIE!!!!"I shouted one last time and i finally woke up in reality..

"John...you okay?"she said as she fixed my messy hair

I reached out for her and immedietly hugged her...really tight..luckily she hugged me back, i'm lucky i loved this girl

I started crying on her shoulder...trust me i cant help it but to cry so hard..

"Don't you ever leave me.. please..."i begged her by the shoulder

She hugged me tighter..

"Please kenzie..please..i want you here all the time"i said as i cried harder and harder..

"Johnny, it was just a bad dream,i won't be far away from you..we're neighbors we're not too far away from each other" she said as she tries to smile

"No kenzie please...please"i said those words again...and again...and again.

"*sigh* johnny i can't do that...i can't promise you that i will always be with you everytime.."she said as she pulled away from the hug

I dropped my head down low trying to wipe the tears off my eyes...

"I'll go get you some breakfast john.."she said as she left the room..after a minuet or 2, kenzie came back with breakfast on the food tray..

"Eat now john.."


She sighs again and touched my hands...

"Look john, it's still my 2nd day with you today...we can still bond until the week with you is over.."she said and smiled

"Please john don't make this hard for you and...me"she added

I started eating breakfast like i haven't been eating in days and accidently stained my shirt with orange juice..

"I'll just take a shower okay? be right back.." she nodded and brought the food tray back down which leads me to my bathroom..

Mackenzie's pov:

I went back down and washed johnny's dishes so that i can continue healing him up. Then..


I have a message from..maddie

Text convo:

M:hi kenz...miss you already..
K:hi mads..miss you too😘
M:why can't you just visit me back here?
K:ahahaha don't worry mads i will be back in no time..but right now i'll just spend time with the orlandos
M:aww how come you don't spend time with your sissy?😞😖
K:i will be mads..so why did you text me for?
M:mom is leaving home...she needs to be at new york in any minuet..she just wants to say goodbye one last time..

I quickly ran to my house and knocked my door revealing mom by the hallway..

"I'll miss you"i said as i ran towards her for a hug

"I'll miss you too honey"she replied hugging me back

"When will you come back?"i questioned her..

"I dont know honey..but i'll make it up to you once i'm back from NY. Jack will be staying here until i'm back once again okay..?"she said

Beep beep

"Oh, that's my ride now. bye sweeties😘"my mom says as she hops on the cab and waved

"Okay mom bye we'll miss you"i reponded

"I'll miss you three too😖😖😘💕"

I walked back to the orlandos and went to johnny's room. As soon as i opened it i saw johnny out from The shower with a towel under his body..his ABSSS GUYS,HIS ABSSS!!

I immedietly closed the door and he said

"Come in kenz, i'm done changing"she shouted from inside

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