25>>My Old Friend From My Past

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We're already 10 blocks away from Pop's. Me and the gang are still laughing until I saw carson just walking behind us alone while looking down

"Hey, you good buddie? " I asked him as I tapped his shoulder

He nodded

I frowned from what he responded. I can already tell this is about Jayden again. its hard for Carson to not talk about it or stop thinking about it, he loves her so much..ever since they were young, they already thought about talking each others future. 

"look. if its about her, were here for you to talk too. i'm here, their here. we are family, we are partners in crime." i said to him

"i miss her" he said simple as that

"they are there for you, you'll find her one day" i said to him

he just nod and looked at the gang

"besides we can be partners for the day, we don't need girls" i smiled to him and  happily placed my arms at his shoulder 

"what do you mean we don't need girls? you're the one who is planning about celebrating a very late belated birthday for Mackenzie" he gave me his suspicious smile and smirked

"you must've like her so much"he continued

i was speechless but instead,i just gave him a smile

i cant even tell if i do like her or something even more. Carson was still teasing me about Mackenzie. geez, he cant even stop laughing. he kept telling me that i should ask Mackenzie to be mine or for short, to be my girlfriend. 

"you should really ask her out, john. or-"

"you might lost your chance" Lauren interrupted

i rolled my eyes at her, i hate how Lauren interrupts my conversation with someone else. it annoys me so much

"right" Carson said 

We were already at pop's.  And i gotta say, we were lucky that the place was not crowded. i love pop's but not as much as i love mcdonalds ;)

We sat on the table with red seated chairs, gosh it gives me memories back at pop's from Canada

oh, Canada was so amazing, i miss my hometown city. its been a long time since i was there. it was my first place making my first music covers and videos...

i was sitting next to Nadia and Carson, when suddenly the waitress came

She was wearing a black t-shirt with a checkered skirt, she was wearing sharp black heels with a white short apron. she looked kinda familiar, it was like I've known her a couple of years ago

"hello ma'ams and sirs, welcome to pops.  get your orders?" she said handing the menu to us

she suddenly looked at my direction then started to act flirty. she kept placing a strand of  her hair behind her ear and keeps bitting her lip.

Now i remembered. it was Avery, Avery Grace. I've met her since i guess when i was still at Canada. back at Canada, Avery was one of my closest girl friends before. As far as i remembered, Lauren didn't get along with Avery back from the day. She hates her so much, everytime i tried to talk to her, she gives me daggers..

This is why i mostly love and hate Lauren, she loves me so much. By protecting and knowing whats right for me, she still loves me even though she mostly likes to argue with me first. she knows everything that could possibly happen to me. Even though i don't like Lauren, she's still my sister till my last breath.

"can we please have some salads and some burgers please" the girls said

"and what about you guys?"Lauren asked

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