Chapter 35: Mysteries to be Solved

Start from the beginning

He was searching me.

He hesitated to answer.

He looked away as he answered.

"You're a terrible liar," I muttered under my breath, but I was sure he heard me. "But I won't push it if you don't want to."

I stood up to leave, when a small tug from the edge of my jacket stopped me. I looked back to see Levi retracting his hand.

"I'll tell you. But not now."

"Not now," I echoed, giving him a nod before slipping in the tent.

Petra was sitting on top of her sleeping bag when I came in. She had turned herself into a ball.

"Hey, Petra?"


The girl looked up, her expression all mixed and jumbled. I pointed to Levi out there. "You two... have been quite out of it, don't you think?"

She shurgged, not answering.

I debatef on asking her this question, but it seems there wasn't any other options left.

"Is it because of the rejection?" I asked at last, nervous to see her reaction.

Petra sighed and her hands through her hair. "Honestly, the rejection did break me a little bit, but that's not why."

I tilted my head, staring at Petra, who stared back.

Once again, just like Levi, she was searching my gaze. Just what is she trying to find?

After a few moments pass by, she shook her head. "It's not the time for you to know yet."

Wtf? Isn't that what Levi said as well??

I narrowed my eyes, making sure nothing can be read from my stare.

Clearly, secrets are everywhere around me. And it's starting to annoy me dearly.

I sat on my own sleeping bag, my head deep in thought.

First, it was Levi and Erwin being suspicious at the club booths during orientation.

Then, Mikasa and Hanji 'said' I dehydrated and started hallucinating whatever happened in Levi's room. Not to mention the weird conversation he and Erwin had.

Now, Levi and Petra are at each other's throats after the failed confession, which I had no idea on what they actually talked about.

Too many secrets give me a headache.

Not to mention my own shit as well. Who the hell keeps on talking to me?

And why the hell does that voice only come out on certain times?

Ilse Langnar's diary, I still have yet to investigate further about Dr. Jaeger, Eren's father.

My parents' murder. The longest ever case I have yet to solve.

Not to mention, the pressure of school overall.

How exactly am I supposed to cope with all of this things? I'm just one being, one human being, against the secrets of the world.

"Get out," Levi ordered from outside, making me look up. "We're packing up and leaving."

Petra reluctantly went out of the tent, followed by me.

Disassembling the tent didn't take that long, since Levi harshly kicked one of the poles and the whole thing just came crashing down.

We packed the remaining things, and headed out quietly.

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