Hoilday sickness (part 1) - Lirry (LT)

Start from the beginning

I woke up to the sound of harsh coughing and sighed rolling over and pressing the home button on my phone seeing it was 2:30 in the morning meaning that was probably the end of my sleep for the night since the alarm would be going off in half hour anyway.

Getting up I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes before quickly walking over to louis' room where the poor boy was sat up coughing harshly into his hands while tears fell from his eyes.

"Oh Love." I said rushing over and placing him on my lap while rubbing his back until he finished coughing.

"You Okay?" I asked and he sadly shook his head no before resting his head down on my chest.

"Do you want some more medicine?" I asked and Louis just nodded so I picked him up and carried him downstairs turning on the kitchen light before placing him down on the counter.

"You feeling any better baby?" I asked feeling his forehead and sighing as if anything he was warmer.

"No." He said and he was now badly congested as well by the sounds of things.

"Alright swallow this love." I said and he did just that before I rechecked his temperature which was higher than last night at 100.3.

"I think this stuff will be coming with us on this hoilday." I said making sure the calpol lid was screwed on tightly and also grabbing the children's nurofen and thermometer placing them in my carry on bag along with a pack of tissues and an empty water bottle so I could fill it up for the boy once we'd got through security.

"There going to think I'm a walking pharmacy going through security Lou." And that actually did get a small giggle from the boy.

"It's Alright for you, you don't have to explain it." I said chuckling as I knew liquid medicine was allowed as long as you had your reasons it just took longer to get through security.

"Right Shall we go and get ready as papa and Niall will be getting up in a minute and there Knick the bathroom otherwise." I said scooping the boy back up and heading back upstairs to get ready for a very long day.

"Daddy." I heard Louis whine from the back of the car and I sighed.

"What is it baby?"

"Wanna Cuddle." He croaked and I nodded.

"I know sweetie we're nearly at the airport." I promised him and I heard him sigh but he must have been okay with that as he didn't speak again.

"You feeling any better after that medicine?"

"A Little bit."

"Okay that's good sweetie after we're checked in and done with security I'll give you some nurofen and hopefully that will help quite a bit." I said and I just heard him sniffle before he sneezed.

"Blow your nose love." I said and I heard him shuffle around then for a tissue before he blew his nose. I'm surprised he didn't wake Harry or louis with how much sound he was making.

It was another 10 minutes before we reached the airport and id parked the car getting out and placing Louis on my hip who shivered and cuddled closer to me. It may be August but at 4:30 in the morning shorts are still pushing it.

"I know sweetie but it will be warmer in the airport." I promised as I woke Harry who smiled sadly at lou before he woke Niall while I got the suitcases out the boot and gave Louis his rucksack helping him place it on his back.

"That Okay?" I asked placing my own rucksack on my back and louis just nodded before I picked him back up as my little blonde appeared very excited even if it was the crack of dawn.

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