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"Mina can you go to the grocery store? We need more food." My roommate and best friend Jennie asks at 8:30 p.m.

My name is Mina. Lee Mina. I'm 21 years old and work as a barista for a coffee shop called "STARLIGHT". I get the weekends off and work until 6:45 on the weekdays. I'm actually your normal, average 21 year old girl who maintained mostly A's and a few B's through high school, and takes online college classes at 4-8 a.m. in the morning so I could read my books after I get home and just hang out with Jennie, who's the same age as me but goes to a university.

It's not that I don't want to go to a college or university. I do, I really do. Except I can't. My parents and family are poor, so in order to help them out, I take college classes online.

I want to be a author when I grow up, so it isn't too bad, I mean, the course I'm taking.

Oh. There's one more thing.


There was something that happened in high school that someone super stupid did to me, so I always wear these huge, round, golden glasses that cover my face which I guess are what make me feel protected from other people. And luckily my hair is long, over my shoulders, so it can cover up my face when I'm outside. So I don't need to worry that much about others.

Oh no, I'm not afraid of people. I'm just introverted, I had a boyfriend before named Kang Yunho, but he was just so....I don't know, over-protective of me that I found it creepy. He would literally make sure I talk to no other guy BUT him. It was cute at first. But one day when I talked to my manager at STARLIGHT for a raise because I wanted to work extra hours one weekend, he came up and slapped me.

I told him I still want to be friends with him, but I couldn't do that relationship anymore. He froze but then said with this smile, "Alright Min-Min! Bye!" That was his nickname for me. He kept in touch with me for a while but then he slowly stopped so I was pretty happy.

"Alright Jen." I told Jennie.

We live in Seoul, South Korea. We both have enough money to split for a two bedroom room which is pretty small and comfy.

I wore my over-sized light pink sweatshirt that hits my knees with some light blue jeans and got my phone and earphones. I put my crossbody little pink purse over my shoulder and grabbed the new book I bought called, "Highlight". It was around 500 pages long so I knew I should be able to finish it in around 2 days. The grocery store isn't that long of a walk from here. Only 8 minutes so I plugged in my earphones, put on my aesthetic playlist, and put my phone in my back pocket.

I opened the door and yelled, "Bye Jen!" And closed it.  I opened the book to it's first page and started walking.

I'm a pretty good multi-task-er if I do say so myself. ;)

I was around 4 minutes into the walk, looking along the road to be safe instead of sorry. But at one point I thought someone was following me. I turned back but no one was there.

Now it was 2 more minutes before I got to the grocery store and I was pretty scared now because there was barely anyone on the road.

All of a sudden my ex texted me.


It couldn't be him right?!

I texted back,

"Where r u rn."

He said,

"In the karaoke coin room."

He luckily sent me a video from the karaoke room of him singing a sing and waving to the camera.

Even though I don't like him anymore, he was still cute.

"Alright have fun! Ttyl! Gotta grab sum food."

He replied,

"Bye :3"

Thank god it wasn't him.

I finally got to the grocery store after jogging for a minute, and I remembered what I needed to get.

- Cereal

|Alright you got this Mina. You WILL NOT waste money on anything else.|

I got the milk, the eggs, the broccoli, the tomatoes, and the chips, I got whatever candy I thought was, uh, "healthy" enough. AKA delicious chocolates.

Now all I needed was the cereal.

I was heading to the cereal aisle when I heard people in the shop scream.

It wasn't a dangerous scream, it was a fan-girly scream.


I couldn't hear every single thing they were saying since there was a bunch of high-pitches screams.

I like Seventeen. I think they're pretty good. I really admire Dino because he's just such a hardworking adorable guy. I also admire Woozi since he makes most of the music. The lyrics are so meaningful. It reminds me of the book I'm reading. One of the phrases in my book said,

"I'm like a bird, I'll fly
Wherever I can hear your voice
In the air, wherever we are
When we face each other"

I just think these lyrics are super sweet. I smiled just thinking about the phrase.

Then I remember.

It's Seventeen.

The group where the guy I hate the most is in.

My ex-classmate and forever my enemy even if he doesn't think that back is in.

The meanest person on this earth..

Jeon Wonwoo.

But there's 13 members so it can be him. It's only a small possibility that he's the member in this grocery store.

I finally find the aisle where the cereals are in and just my luck.

The cereal was on the highest shelf.

Curse my height.

I'm short, I'm really short. I'm only 5'2" at the age of 21. Here's where my super smartness should kick in.

Ah-ha! I'll just take my earphones and use them as a lasso.

"Alright giddy-up cereal, you're about to be mine for a decent price of 3.95"

And I threw my earphone and....it only got to the shelf before it.

Guess I just have to stick to jumping to get it.

I rolled my eyes at myself and tried to get on my tiptoes but that cereal box does not want to come to my hands.

I was slowly almost there. After jumping a few times. I was about to grab it.

And then just when I got my hand to it a guy got his hands on it first.

And unfortunately my calculations were wrong.

That guy who got the sweet and sugary cereal before me was none other than Jeon Wonwoo.

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