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"Get your ass out of here!"


"Hah!I knew it...You're still here."I said searching for him everywhere.

But then,a black figure jumped in front of me with those red eyes.

"Now....can you recognize me?"

"No..I don't.I only see your red shining eyes."

"It's good because you don't need to."

"And why is that?"

"Because...you will die."


NEW:Y/N!Let's go!!

Y/N:Wait,I don't-

The black figure then chased after us.I saw those white sharp fangs shoving out and a blood effect on it.

We got to the door and closed it before that thing could come out...Wait a sec..it can!

"It's okay Y/N..that thing can't burst through stuff."

"T-they can't?"

"Yep...Let's go."


It was an awkward silence,as if that happens and stuff.

Yoona:Y/N!NEW!Where were you guys?I've been searching for you.

Y/N:Ah,n-nothing.Just some stuff you know like...Helping the teacher with..heavy stuff?

I said heavy stuff in a low tone.Dangit,I said it in a low tone!

NEW:Nope,not like that at all.A creature almost fought us.

Yoona:Oh ma gad,a creature?Aish,whatever let's get back to class.

???:What's the topic here?

Y/N:Oh ommo yah!Aish,Daniel.Stop making surprises.

I said punching his arm lightly.

Daniel:Ahahah,sorry.So,let's go to class Y/N?

Y/N:Yeah...Come on Yoona,NEW!

I talked with Daniel and when I look at my back I see their eyes gluing on Daniel. What is their actual problems though?



"Your arm."

"Hm?My arm?Oh yeah...Have you heard?On how this happen?"

"Ah..Yeah,Jaehwan told me.He said that you bumped into a sharp object."

"Yup....So who's the class president?"


"Oh,for all this time I've been sitting next to a class president....Who's the class president assistant?"

"..No one."

"Ah why not?You're a nice person."

"Ahah,I also don't know why..Maybe you can be my assistant?"

"Wait,aren't the teachers suppose to pick?"

"No,this University is different.They let the class president choose."

"So...I'm now officially your assistant?"

"Yup...Hope you don't mind."

"Of course I don't.Lets do the best!"

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