forgive me

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i woke up on justin's chest on the floor of an empty room with a raging headache. then i realized we threw a party last night in the new house.

i heard justin groan underneath me, we were both still in our swimsuits. i gently rolled off and next to him and he opened his eyes before closing them quickly to groan again.

"that's the last time i try to keep up with you" he groaned before grabbing my waist to pull me closer and resting his head on my chest.

"ya last night was a little crazy" i said while playing with his hair.

"you need to get a bed, your floor is hard" he groaned into my chest and i smiled.

"sorry, but at least that way i know nobody was fucking on it" i said and he nodded.

"not that we need a bed anyway, last night in the pool was pretty fun" he said before giving my boob a couple kisses.

"ya i gu-" i cut myself off remembering something.

"what's wrong" he asked without looking up at me.

"no condom" i said and he looked up at me confused.

"what" he asked and i nodded.

"in the pool we had no protection, were so stupid, how could we forget, oh my god" i started freaking out but justin shushed me probably cause i was getting to loud.

"shhh baby it's okay we'll just go to the store and buy one of those pills and you'll be fine" he said and i nodded before pushing him off of me to find clothes to put on over my suit.

"i didn't mean right now" he groaned because he didn't have me between him and the floor.

"the sooner i take it the better it will work" i said and he groaned before getting up.

"hey luke are any of my clothes boxes here, justin and i need to run to the store" i said and he shook his head before throwing me a shirt of his.

"just wear it as one of those shirt dress things" he said before closing his door in my face, he must've drank too much.

i put the shirt on before grabbing justin and pulling him out the front door.

"fuck, why is it so bright outside" he groaned as he pulled his shirt over his head.

"cause its morning, want me to drive" i said and he nodded before throwing me his keys.

we got in and i drove straight to the local Walgreens and that's when i realized i had no money.

"fuck fuck fuck" i groaned while hitting the steering wheel.

"babe calm down, you don't need to take it out on her" he said and i rolled my eyes.

"i didn't bring money" i groaned getting ready to reverse to go back home.

"hey it's my problem too, i'll just buy it" he said before i stopped reversing.

"really, thank you" i said before pulling back into my spot and we got out.

we walked back to the section that would have the pill and looked everywhere for it but we couldn't find it.

"oh my god, there's no more" i said about to cry and justin wrapped his arms around me and rubbed my back.

"need help finding anything" a lady said as she walked up to us.

"umm ya were looking for the morning after pill" justin said and the lady nodded before gesturing for us to follow.

"we moved some stuff around, only got two left" she said before showing us where they were.

"thank you so much" i said before grabbing it and she smiled before leaving.

"i should probably get some more of these too" justin said holding a box of condoms.

"you think" i said before he payed for the items and we left.

when i pulled up to the house i noticed michael's car and the moving truck was there and i groaned.

"wanna just go back to my house" he asked and i shook my head.

"no i left my phone inside, it's okay we'll be quick" i said and he nodded before we got out and walked into the house to see the three boys and sophia getting scolded.

"madison" my mom said surprised i was here.

"i just left my phone upstairs" i said trying to get past her but she wouldn't let me.

"you were apart of this" she asked gesturing to the house full of trash and solo cups.

"ya but we have to go" i said and she shook her head.

"justin can you please leave, we need to have a family meeting" she said and justin looked at me. i just nodded and he gave me a quick kiss and a hug before handing me the bag and leaving.

"i can't believe you trashed our brand new home" she said to us and i rolled my eyes.

"i can't be here, i have better things to be doing" i said before attempting to walk out of the house but she grabbed my arm.

"madison, i'm sorry, please forgive me" she said and i scoffed.

"it's going to take more than that to get my trust back, you lied to me for six years, you lied to all of us" i said wanting to cry again but i refuse to.

"i know and i regret it, i'm so sorry" she said and i shook my head.

"you're not sorry, you're just sorry i found out" i said and i could tell she was about to cry.

"what are you two talking about" noah asked and sophia looked like she didn't want to be here.

"go ahead tell them" i said as a tear rolled down her cheek.

"i can't" she cried before michael held her in his arms.

"fine i'll tell them, mom had an affair with the piano teacher six years ago, dad killed himself because drake wasn't his and she let me think all this time it was my fault when she had a note from him saying it was hers" i said and everyone was shocked. good thing drake wasn't here.

"is this true mom" noah asked, i could tell he was mad and she nodded before he stormed off to his room taking sophia with him.

"i'm gonna go pick up drake from the treys house" luke said before grabbing the keys and leaving. it was just grayson and i.

"i'll move back in, but only if you promise to never tell us lies again, and maybe ya know invite me to important stuff like your wedding next time, everyone got to go but me because i was at prom, and that hurt me so much mom" i said as a tear rolled down my cheek and she nodded before trying to hug me but i walked away and up the stairs.

i noticed all my boxes and my bed was in my room now, wow how long were we at the store. i decided i should tell justin i'm staying.

hey just letting you know i'll be sleeping here tonight

did you guys get in trouble

nope i told everyone what my mom did though

i'm gonna miss waking up to you but i'm glad you're back home with your family

i'm gonna take the pill and take a shower real quick. i'll text you later

i then set my phone down and on my bed and took the pill out of the box before taking it quickly. then i grabbed a change of clothes from my boxes and went to the shower.

i just sat on the floor and let the water hit me on the face. i finally let out all the tears i've been holding in for days.

i hate being mad at my mom because i love her so much, but i can't just forgive her for something like this. it's going to take time to get back to how we were.

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