kick back

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for bella's kick back i decided to just wear a tank top and shorts cause i asume we'll be inside and it's just bella's house.

when i go downstairs i see sophia walking toward noah's room.

"hey i didn't know you were coming over" i said as i walked up to her.

"noah invited me, what happened to your neck" she asked and i sighed because it left bruises.

"yesterday when i read the letter to noah he got mad i kept it from him and choked me" i said and her eyes widened.

"should i be scared" she asked and i shook my head.

"he would never hurt you, but i'll go with you to make sure" i said and she nodded before we walked to his room.

"baby i missed you so much" noah said as he sat up in bed and sophia went to hug him.

"i missed you too babe" she said before kissing him.

"holy shit madi did i do that" noah asked when he noticed i was there and i nodded.

"i-im so sorry" he said while looking down and frowning.

"it's fine it doesn't hurt, just a little bruised" i said to make him feel better.

"are you gonna cover it up for bella's party" sophia asked and i sighed.

"i tried but nothing i had worked" i said and she nodded before i said my goodbye and headed over to bella's.

i was surprised so many people were there already because i came early.

"madi you're here" bella squealed already tipsy and connor came in behind her.

"yup show me to the keg" i said and they both pointed to the living room. it was sitting in a bucket of ice.

i quickly grabbed a cup and filled it then chugged it. i did that two more times before i felt hands grab my hips from behind. i went to push them away but i realized it was justin.

"hey baby" i slurred while leaning against him for a hug.

"hey what happened to your neck" he asked while rubbing his thumb over the bruises.

"noah got angry, i'm fine though baby dance with me" i said before wrapping my arms around his neck and grinding on him.

"you're so sexy" justin whispered in my ear while he moved my hips to the music against him.

"madi madi, come do shots with me" i heard bella yell before i grabbed justin's hand and led him to the kitchen.

"alright you like tequila right" she said and i nodded eagerly before she poured eight shots. four for each of us.

"ready set go" some random dude said before i started throwing the shots down my throat. once i finished my four i noticed he refilled the glasses we already used and i continued to go.

"i can't do anymore" bella said while wiping her mouth after five but i kept going and everyone cheered.

when i finished my seventh justin took my eighth so there were no more and i glared at him.

"what the fuck babe that was mine" i slurred leaning against the counter for support.

"sorry babe let's go to the living room" he said before wrapping his arm around my waist to guide me to the room.

"i want more beer" i slurred walking towards the keg but justin pulled my arm so i sat on his lap on the couch.

"i think you've had enough babygirl" he whispered in my ear before giving my neck little kisses and i silently moaned.

"i change my mind, i want you" i whispered in his ear before straddling him and connecting our lips together roughly.

his hands rest on my ass as i grind on him just to feel the friction between my legs and it made me want more.

"damn justin must get pretty kinky in the bedroom to leave a mark like that on her neck" some random guy said but i ignored it. better they think that than that my brothers crazy.

"anybody wanna do some coke" someone yelled which made my eyes widen. i wanna try it.

i quickly got off justin's lap and went to the guy and he handed me a rolled up dollar bill to snort it with. i did it before justin could stop me and i instantly could feel the high.

"mad what are you doing" justin said when he got to me as i wiped off the excess coke on my nose.

"i'm having fun babe" i slurred and justin groaned before taking me away from everyone doing coke.

"what's wrong baby" i asked since he looked mad at me.

"i just don't want you to over do it baby, i don't want anything bad to happen to you" he said and i just smiled.

"dance with me" i said completely ignoring his words and pulling him to dance.

as we grind on each other i start to feel weightless and i start seeing people dancing on the walls and ceiling. then i started to get really dizzy and i had to hold onto justin.

"you okay" he asked and i nodded but when i looked up at him his eyes widened before he took me into the bathroom.

"justin if you wanna fuck i'd rather do it in a bedroom" i slurred as he sat me on the counter and i noticed my nose was bleeding.

"shit when did that happen" i slurred before he held tissues to my nose.

"mad i think it's time to go home, you're not you" he said and i groaned.

"i guess, as long as you sleepover" i slurred while running my hand down his chest seductively.

we walk over to my house and when we open the door i see my mom and michael sitting on the couch. they're staring at my moms hand. what so fascinating about her hands.

"what's up" i slur which gets their attention and my moms eyes widen.

"justin what happened" she asked as i wrapped my arms around him wanting to touch him everywhere.

"her and bella decided to do shots, she was acting crazy so that's why we're here" he said leaving out the coke part.

"okay thank you justin" she said and i realized they were looking at the ring on my moms finger. it was huge.

"what's that" i asked pointing to her hand and she smiled before looking at michael.

"we're engaged" my mom said and i was shocked. that was quick.

"wow congrats" i said and justin congratulated them too before he helped me upstairs.

"finally" i said before shutting my door and aggressively kissing his lips.

he slowly backed me up onto the bed and i took off his shirt before kissing his chest and abs.

"i wanna fuck you" i slurred against his body while i rubbed him and he groaned before moving my hands.

"you need to get ready for bed babe" he said before taking off my top and i moaned when his hands touched my skin.

"please fuck me" i slurred as he took off my shorts and when i tried to pull his body on top of mine he walked away and into my closet to get me clothes for bed.

"i don't need to wear anything, you don't either" i slurred before i got up and pushed him onto the bed.

i straddled him and grinded until i could feel him hardening beneath me. then i unzipped his pants and slid them down enough to see what i wanted.

then i slid down his boxers and i stroked him gently underneath me. i watched as he groaned in bliss from my touch.

then i moved my panties to the side and as i began to slide myself onto him he quickly picked me up off of him.

"mad i don't have a condom, we can't do this tonight" he said and i groaned before laying down on my bed angry i can't get what i want.

"i'm sorry baby, i love you" he said before wrapping his arms around me and kissing the back of my neck.

"love you too" i whispered before falling asleep.

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