piano lessons

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"drake are you ready for your first lesson" i asked and he nodded excitedly before jumping into my lap on the couch.

"where'd mommy and michael go" he asked because it was currently only us in the house right now besides noah and sophia.

"to look for a new house, big enough for all of us including our new step brother grayson" i said and he nodded.

"will noah get a real room" he laughed because noah currently sleeps in the den.

"hopefully" i said before the doorbell rang.

"that must be mr. chavez, go get ready at the piano" i said before he ran to sit at the piano and i opened the door.

"hi madison, is drake ready to learn piano" he asked as he walked in the house and drake smiled.

"alright let's get started" he said before sitting next to drake on the bench.

"is marrisa home, i just wanted to let her know i'm here" chavez said and i shook my head.

"her and michael are looking for a new house for us" i said and he nodded.

"who's michael" he asked.

"my moms new husband, they eloped a week ago" i said and he nodded before he got to teaching drake.

i got bored of watching drake learn the names of the keys so i decided to go upstairs to see what luke was up to. when i walked in i remembered he was at his girlfriend jamie's house.

then i went back downstairs to go bother noah and sophia and i wish i didn't because when i walked in i saw parts of my brother i never wanted to see.

"madi get the fuck out" noah yelled the second he saw me and he covered him and sophia's naked bodies and i quickly went back to sitting on the couch watching drake trying to forget what i saw.

a couple minutes later noah came out with basketball shorts on and sophia was right behind him wearing his shirt.

"sorry i didn't mean to yell at you, you just scared me" he said and i nodded observing the sweat on both their faces. obviously they waited to finish before apologizing to me.

"it's okay i should knock next time" i said and they both smiled before leaving me alone and bored.

"i can't believe how big you've gotten, i haven't see you since you were a baby" chavez said and drake smiled.

"i'm almost in second grade" drake gushed and i smiled.

"i wish i was able to be there for you and watch you grow up" he said and drake looked up at him.

"I'm still growing" drake said and he smiled.

"i hope i can be more involved in your life in the future" he said and i thought that was weird of him to say.

"well i suck at piano so i'm sure you'll be around for a while" drake said and he laughed before running his hand through drakes hair messing it up a little.

"alright this lessons over, tell your mommy you had a fun time so i can see you more" mr. chavez said before hugging drake and saying his goodbyes.

i don't remember him being that weird when i took piano, i'll ask my mom about it later.

"you did a great job little man, want some ice cream to celebrate" i asked and drake eagerly nodded before we went to the kitchen to eat some chocolate ice cream.

"i want some" luke yelled as he ran into the kitchen and grabbed a spoon to join us.

"how was jamie's" i asked and he smirked.

"fun" he said and i rolled my eyes before eating more ice cream.

"i thought i smelled ice cream" sophia said as her and noah walked in wearing even less clothing. he was just wearing boxers and she was wearing boxers and a sports bra.

"god soph put the boobies away he's only seven" i said while covering drakes eyes and she blushed before i handed her a sweater that happened to be in here.

"i didn't know boobs actually got bigger when you were pregnant" luke said while staring at her chest until she put the sweater on. i just rolled my eyes.

"oh they definitely do and it's awesome" noah said before tickling sophia's side and she giggled a little.

"not when you're the one having to hold them up, my back hurts all the time" she sighed, if her back hurts now she's got another thing coming.

"am i gonna be an uncle or aunt" drake asked obviously not understanding how it works.

"you'll be an uncle drake because you're a boy" i told him and drake nodded.

"so when's the baby due" luke asked and sophia shrugged.

"sometime in october" she said and we nodded before the front door opened and closed.

"we found a house" mom yelled before running into the kitchen to see us all huddled around the ice cream carton.

"i thought i said don't eat it out of there, put it in a bowl" she said but we just smiled innocently and continued to eat.

"where is the house" i asked and her and michael smiled.

"only a couple blocks from here, so you all can still go to the same schools" she said and we all smiled.

"do i get a real room" noah asked and our mom smiled.

"yes but you'll all have to share two bathrooms" she said and we nodded we already do that now so it's no big deal.

"guess what drake it has a pool" mom said and his eyes lit up.

"a pool" he screeched before jumping up and down.

"yup but we have to pack up fast because we already sold this house" she said and we nodded before we all started packing and throwing junk away. i'll just ask her about mr. chavez later.

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