Chapter 8: Him

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A storm of troops marched in and dragged innocent people out of their cages and snapped handcuffs on them. Elsie and Ron though, were not treated roughly, they were treated like guests. As another group invaded the room, a tall, bulky, huge man followed close behind. A pathway through the crowd of people opened as he walked forward.

"Tsk tsk tsk, Who do we have here?" The bulky man asked passive-aggressively.

"This is the devil sir, accompanied by this lovely young woman."

"This was not part of the plan, Why is she here?

"Well sir,........". The man interjected, "Nonsense, rid of her at once!"

"No! No! Please!?" The guards reluctantly grabbed Elsie and escorted her into a secret looking room and pushed her into a corner.

"Listen very carefully, we don't have much time." They continued, "You exit this room and you never come back. Got it?"

"What about Ron?" She asked naively. He replied smirking. "Oh boy, this huh? Ok so we can't save Ron because he will never let Ron out of his sight. You though, we were told to assassinate you, but we must save you." He signaled his men and they walked out the door with Elsie close behind.

There was a bright flash of white and then Elsie  appeared on her doorstep with no one around. It looked to be either morning or evening.

She looked around once more and saw something, the men walked into a galaxy portal and it disappeared within seconds of the last soldier guard jumping in. Elsie wasn't sure of what to do in this kind of situation, so she rang the doorbell.

"ELSIE! WHERE WERE YOU, YOU HAVE BEEN MISSING FOR A MONTH! Oh come here my sweet child!" Within a minute of opening the door, the hug between just Elsie and her mother had turned into a family group hug.

"Where were you?" Her whole family chorused and then burst into a fit of laughter. "Oh me? Well I got kidnapped and then they let me go, I guess.

While her whole family celebrated for her return, Elsie didn't feel whole inside.


"AAAAHHHHH! IT BURNS!" Screamed the Devil in a damaged voice. "Ok, ok, I'll tell you."

                                Yours Truly,

(P.S. Make sure to vote for the chapter if you enjoyed it and comment ideas you think my next chapter should include!)

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